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Happy Never After
Happy Never After | Mary Kay Andrews
6 posts | 7 read | 2 to read
Callahan Garrity is the ownerof house mouse, a cleaningservice that tidies up afterAtlanta's elite. She's also aformer cop and a part-timesleuth. She and her coterie ofdevoted helpers can ransack ahouse for clues faster than ittakes a fingerprint to set. Keeping Rita Fontaine, awashed-up 1960steenage rock star, out of jail is a tough job. It'snothing less than murder when Stu Hightower,the vain, temperamental president of athriving Atlanta recording company, is foundmurdered in the den of his posh home. Hisonly companions are the slug in his heart andRita, dead drunk and looking guilty. Callahanbelieves in Rita's innocence, but discoveringwho killed Hightower could send her floatingdown a river of lost dreams without a paddle.
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Happy Never After | Mary Kay Andrews
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When you're restless and wide awake, so you pace the apartment hallway, and listen to audiobooks. 😂

Robothugs This looks like a photo out of a horror/thriller movie. 😂 Where are the creepy twin children at the end?! 7y
Clwojick @Robothugs bahahah! I know,right? 7y
Abailliekaras @Robothugs @Clwojick I love that photo but it worries me too! 🙈😉 7y
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JaclynW I agree with @Robothugs and @abaillie! 😣😦👻 7y
monkeygirlsmama My husband always makes fun of me because of how often I deem things or places as creepy. I strongly feel the label would apply to this hallway. 😬😂 7y
Clwojick @monkeygirlsmama @JaclynW @Robothugs @Abailliekaras I swear it's not that creepy in person 🙈 only when the power goes out and we have to climb down the seven flights of stairs by the light of the exit signs. Hahaha 7y
Robothugs 😂😂 Look what I started. If the walls were different and not bare I think we may not be even having this conversation. 7y
JaclynW 🤣🤣😊😊 7y
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Happy Never After | Mary Kay Andrews
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Tonight's audiobook. 🎧

Happy Never After | Mary Kay Andrews
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Maybe I'm getting a little burned out on this series after 4 in a row and should give it a break. I liked the mystery in this one, but I could have done without Callahan turning into a crazy jealous stalker girlfriend. It seemed out of character for her. Also this was the 2nd time in this series that the investigation led to collateral damage that was upsetting (although this time wasn't as bad as the other).

Bookzombie I enjoyed this series but I didn't listen to them back to back. I also agree the stalking seemed out of character. 7y
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Happy Never After | Mary Kay Andrews
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I love an author with a deep backlist... Still really loving this series. Andrews really creates fully developed characters. Even the minor ones feel completely fleshed out, and really enrich the series. She has a diverse cast, and I really appreciate that.

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Happy Never After | Mary Kay Andrews
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Callahan Garrity, offering up truth in 1995.

LeahBergen 😂 7y
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Happy Never After | Mary Kay Andrews
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This time, Callahan is trying to track down the missing member of a girl group, so I'm obviously humming the songs from Dreamgirls while I read...