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Joined August 2016

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3.5 ⭐

I didn't find this story nearly as engaging as I have others, and I can see why it's gotten a lot of mixed reviews. That said, I did like the #audiobook reasonably well. And the ending was worth sticking with it.

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Throughly enjoyed this story! Also appreciated the author interview at the end of the #audiobook. It provided such great insight as to how/why she wrote the book as she did. Garmus mentioned how Lessons in Chemistry is an offshoot of a previously started but uncompleted novel of hers. This made me hope that after the success of this one she'll go back to that original story to pick that thread back up. I think other readers would agree! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

monkeygirlsmama Has anyone here watched the Apple TV miniseries based on this book? I love Bree Larson, so I definitely want to check it out. I don't have Apple TV though. 2d
AileenRR @monkeygirlsmama I‘ve started the show and it‘s different but still good 1d
CBee @monkeygirlsmama I watched it and really liked it! 1d
monkeygirlsmama @AileenRR @cbee Okay, cool. Good to know! There are several things I wanna watch that are on Apple tv. I may have to subscribe one of these days. I already have several streaming services already though. LoL 1d
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"I've never been more human because I breathe, but I can't catch my breath." - Vic

Yes, Vic, I feel you 100%! ??

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Loved loved loved this #audiobook! Klune is amazing, and Henning couldn't be better if he tried. 😁💚

The Locked Door | Freida McFadden
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This was another solid whodunnit by McFadden. It kept me guessing, but lacked some of the usual intensity that would ordinarily have me going back and forth and questioning myself on who I thought the culprit was. With this #audiobook read I found myself surprised by and appreciating the big reveal, yet felt the story as a whole lacked some of the usual shock factors.


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Oops, I did it again! ?? Ran to the Dollar Tree with my daughter and meant to be a silent shopping observer. And I was silent... as I browsed the book aisle and grabbed the top four (from this stack) to bring home with me. ? I'm sorry, but at $1.25 a piece BRAND NEW I simply couldn't tell myself "no". ??

[Bottom 4 pictured you'll recognize from my post a week or ago .]

The Locked Door | Freida McFadden

Is it just me or does anyone else find it HIGHLY annoying with the number of characters that are so pigheaded and selfish? Meaning, so many of the books I've read lately have characters that are so self interested and whenever there is anything that goes awry between them and their prospective love interest they get all pissy and storm off. ⤵️

monkeygirlsmama ⤴️They don't give the other person a chance to explain. They don't see that they themselves are doing the exact same thing they're accusing the other person of. I know. I know. It's for tension and drama, and unfortunately probably all too like real life. BUT... It drives me crazy! 🤣😝 1w
TheBookHippie I cannot. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 1w
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The Lost Bookshop | Evie Woods
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4.5 Stars

What a lovely book with equally wonderful narrators! #audiobook

Gotta say though, this is the second book I've read recently where a character is wrongfully and intentionally committed to an asylum. May be fictional stories, but makes me wonder just how often this heinous act has been carried out. Far too often, I'm sure. And that is both infuriating and terrifying. 🤬😱

Then She Was Gone | Lisa Jewell
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4.5 stars

I quite enjoyed this #audiobook, though it was very bittersweet. And that epilogue! Damn, it made me cry.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Whoa, the end of this book gave me chills! Such a great story, and uniquely written since the story went in reverse. Found my interest waning slightly when I was part way through, and then I was quickly drawn back in. All the stars for this fabulous mystery. #audiobook

sprainedbrain I loved this book! 🤯❤️ 2w
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Together | Luke Adam Hawker
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The oldest and I were on our weekly trip to Dollar Tree looking for her B-Pure products, and I found me some awesome books. All four of these beauties for a total of $5 + tax!!!

Read the tagged book while at the store and just had to have it. Super cute and fantastic illustrations. 💜

Under the Dome | King, Stephen
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A book held long in the wings, but worth the wait. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Under the Dome | King, Stephen

"You f*cking self-righteous turd worm!" ??

Well, that's one heck of an insult! ?

Deblovestoread I may have to borrow that 😂 2w
Aims42 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2w
dabbe 😂😱😂 2w
julesG Shakespearean? 2w
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Under the Dome | King, Stephen

Years ago I was about 12 hours into this #audiobook when major life changes distracted me from finishing. So here I am at the beginning, again. Hopefully there will be no distractions this go round because I'm very eager to see how things play out!! (I've successfully avoided all spoilers for all these years, so...) 😁

Bookwormjillk Interesting I was reading that book during a major life event too. Maybe it‘s cursed. I‘m happy to say I was able to read it a year or so ago without any calamities. 3w
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Fantastic! Fiction that both entertains and educates, this made up tale allows readers a psuedo behind the scenes look at what life was like for those so deeply and personally affected by the utterly awful brutalities and indignities suffered at the hand of the Nazi regime. With real accounts serving as the backdrop, it also tells the story of strength, perseverance, and unending hope in the face of this sickening persecution.

All the stars!

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⭐⭐⭐⭐ #audiobook

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I'm not typically one for self help books, but this isn't your average self help title. Readers will laugh out loud while gaining a finer understanding or mindset on how to better accept the things worth accepting and free themselves, by not giving a f- about those that don't.


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I selected this title on a whim... Initially I thought it was mildly interesting, but in truth I thought about DNFing it. It wasn't that it wasn't good; it just wasn't engaging me. I was, however, listening to the #audiobook version and I was quite enjoying the narrator. So I kept listening, and before you know it i was at the end. Turns out, I'm glad I didn't DNF it and I'm actually looking forward to picking up the subsequent titles.


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Not my absolute favorite McFadden thrillride, but still a very good story rife with the usual twists and turns that she's known for. One By One will definitely keep readers on their toes.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I enjoy most of her books 🖤 1mo
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The Silent Patient | Alex Michaelides
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4.5 ⭐

I should have read this before! Was off my game and didn't figure this one out until it was all but blatantly obvious. Well written and great in #audiobook format. 🙃

Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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I went back and forth between just liking (so-so) and really enjoying (pick) this. Meryl Streep was a great narrator for this #audiobook, but for the one young 20 something year old daughter who sounded like she was one of Homer Simpson's sister-in-laws with her old lady smoker voice. 😂


JamieArc 😂😂 1mo
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Cute book! Characters were humorous and sweet, while the story was fun and quirky. What a great find!

Extra points for the #audiobook narrator who was super easy on the ears.


monkeygirlsmama She calls her car "the broomstick"! ??? 1mo
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No One Can Know: A Novel | Kate Alice Marshall
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Enjoyable mystery! 4/5 Stars

5/5 stars for the #audiobook narrator.

Made You Up | Francesca Zappia
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Learned about a #freelittlelibrary just down the street from us. Moving this weekend, and my daughter decided she had a few books she didn't wish to take with us. Having recently heard about this FLL I decided I'd drop off the no longer desired books to add to their selection. I didn't intend to leave with my own mini haul. 🙄 But, in my defense one of these three books is one I grabbed for my daughter. 😁📚😊

Kristy_K I read Made You Up years ago and remember loving it! 1mo
monkeygirlsmama @Kristy_K After I grabbed it and was nearly home I started thinking I too may have read it already. LoL Not that I'll let that stop me from reading it again. 😁 1mo
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The Wife Upstairs: A Novel | Freida McFadden
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I love me some Freida, and this book just shot to the top of my list of favorites by her. As always, you can't get too comfortable with your opinions on whodunnit because this author writes in such a slick and slippery way that as soon as you figure it out you learn you knew nothing at all.

Note on #audiobook... I quite like this narrator; however, the way she voiced young Vicky made me want to stab my eardrumbs out. Way too whiny. 😝


Sociopath: A Memoir | Patric Gagne
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Another #audiobook from #libby for the win! 😁🎧📚

(Ugh that write up is rude with typos, but nothing I can do about them now. SMH)

Yellowface | Rebecca F. Kuang
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⭐ 4.5 STARS ⭐

Heard mixed reviews on this, but I really enjoyed the #audiobook. Loved the concept, but will say the main character did stress me out a bit. 😫😆

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Twists and turns I didn't see coming with this one!

Another great #audiobook from this author and the narrator.

The Mole People | Kevin Landt
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Good story that shows how easy it is to allow one small mistake- one lie -to ruin the rest of your life. Didn't love these characters, but they were palatable within the confines of their stories.


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Interesting book. I listened to the #audiobook version and thoroughly enjoyed the narrator. The story was worth reading even though it wasn't my favorite.


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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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3.5 stars

Lots of good social commentary in this one along with some incredibly delicious sounding foods. Basically zero likeable characters though. I debated sticking it out when I was about 1/4 in, but decided to stick with it after feedback from @BarbaraJean who'd read it. I am glad I did, but I'm also happy to be done with it. 😂

dabbe Oy, this makes me not want to start this one! 😬😂😀 2mo
monkeygirlsmama @dabbe 😄Nah... It was worth giving a chance. You might love it! And if nothing else, you might get some food ideas for some delicious foods to either make or go find. 🍜 2mo
BarbaraJean Ah, bummer! I just finished it over the weekend, and came around with some of the characters by the end, but yeah--if you want likeable characters, this is not the book for it! The length probably didn't help. Since you did finish it, maybe check out the #CampLitsy2024 discussion in a couple weeks! 2mo
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monkeygirlsmama @BarbaraJean I'm definitely glad I stuck it out. I did enjoy aspects of it! And the foods almost all made my mouth water and stomach growl. Hehe 2mo
Megabooks Some of the food porn definitely sounded yummy! 2mo
Megabooks Join us a camp the last two Saturdays in June to discuss! 2mo
monkeygirlsmama @Megabooks No promises because I'm bad at participating in these things, but I will try! Thanks :) 1mo
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Butter: Roman | Asako Yuzuki
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Listening to the #audio version of this book. 4+ hours in with 12+ hours to go. I am enjoying it, but also don't feel incredibly engaged. Feeling like if I'm going to bail I need to do it sooner rather than later so as to not just waste time. So, that leaves me with a question for those of you who've read it...

Yay or Nay for sticking it out? Is it worth it and going to pull me back in? 🤷‍♀️

JamieArc Are you reading this for #camplitsy24? A bunch of us will be reading it in the second half of June, so it might be worth sticking it out of you want to be part of the dialogue. 2mo
BarbaraJean I'm about halfway through and am finding the ideas more and more interesting as the book goes on. I'm not liking any of the characters, though! I do think it's a worthwhile read (so far) for the way the narrative explores ideas of beauty and socially-imposed female roles. But obviously everyone's mileage will vary... 2mo
monkeygirlsmama @JamieArc No, just discovered it on Libby and thought it sounded interesting. 2mo
monkeygirlsmama @BarbaraJean That's the problem I've been having. 😝 I'm liking that aspect and enjoy the foodie discussions which is why I'm less inclined to give up. LoL Guess I'll stick with it for now. 2mo
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Good mystery wrapped inside an awesome cover!

(Enjoyed in #audiobook form.)

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I've never heard of Maggie Smith before- not THAT Maggie Smith, the American one. Being such a lover (and writer) of poetry myself I find it kind of hard to believe that, but it's true.

Picked up this #audiobook based on an online rec, and can say without a doubt that it was worth it. Her writing style and poetry are flat out fantabulous! Really and truly a heartfelt read.


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Daisy Darker | Alice Feeney
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I partially guessed this one early on, but that's not to say I wasn't completely blown away by EVERYTHING else that I didn't guess. Wow! Gotta love Feeney's knack for storytelling. Great read! And the #audiobook was very well done and the narrator very enjoyable to listen to.


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Didn't initially know if I was going to stick with this one because it wasn't really speaking to me. I was too lazy to do anything about it though so I just pressed on hoping there would be an uptick in the storylines that would put it on a more engaging path. There was, and it did! Turns out to have been a few very good mysteries rolled into one.

Also, the full narrator cast made the #audiobook version a solid choice.

3.5 - 4 ⭐

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Started this in print, but couldn't stay focused enough to come back to it. Decided to try picking it back up in #audiobook format since I had just finished what I was listening to. Yay for smart decisions because The Unmaking of June Farrow was an excellent story. Interesting characters with a sweet dynamic.

Originally when I picked this up at the library the cover and blurb gave me Addie Larue vibes, but they are very different stories.

4.5 ⭐

Nothing to See Here | Kevin Wilson
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I had no idea what this book was about when I picked it up, but somehow got it into my head that it was a memoir. Listening to the #audiobook I quickly became confused because I thought it was a memoir written by a man and read by him. Then it was a female narrator who started talking about going to an all girls school and I was like, "WTF?" ? ⤵️

monkeygirlsmama ⤴️At this point I realized I was a complete dolt, and decided to settle in for whatever ride I was already started on. And... I loved it! If you're looking for a quick read that's crazy and will still make you smile, check out NOTHING TO SEE HERE! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 2mo
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Just Another Missing Person | Gillian McAllister
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Gravitated to the colorful cover. Stuck around for the good mystery and cleverly disguised twists.



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There are books that translate well to #audiobook formatting, and then there are books that translate PHENOMENALLY to audiobook formatting. This one falls solidly into the latter category! In fact, I'd wager that in this instance the audiobook is even better than the print copy. The narration and sound editing are fire and make it seem like you're really listening to a podcast. Amazing audio concept for this remarkably entertaining story! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sace Looks like I‘m about to burn an audible credit. 😆 2mo
monkeygirlsmama @Sace Do it! Do it! 😂 2mo
Sace @monkeygirlsmama Oh it was did as soon as I read your post! 2mo
monkeygirlsmama @Sace 😂🤣👍😁 2mo
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💗💚💛🧡💗💚💛🧡 Loved everything about this book right down to the afterward/author's note at the very end. She wanted her readers to cry, and I can 100% say she was successful when it came to this reader - though mostly it was exactly during this portion of the #audiobook.😝😢💙


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This cover had me at HELLLLLLLO! 😍


Beautiful cover with a wonderful story within the pages! Two timelines and three character perspectives, but all transitions were seamless and easy to follow. Another great #audioread!

The Inmate: A Novel | Freida McFadden
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4.5 ⭐

What I love about this author is that no matter how much you think you figure things out, you're always proven wrong. So much so, in fact, that I think this one gave me whiplash! And that epilogue... Brrrr. It gave me legit chills all over!

Side note: Leslie Howard did, yet again, a fantastic job narrating this #audiobook.

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The beginning intrigued me, the middle rather bored me, and the last third did both.

Interesting story, but not necessarily enough that I would recommend it.

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The Lost Girls of Willowbrook | Ellen Marie Wiseman
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This book gave me such immense anxiety, but wow! An intense and horrifying story that is guaranteed to keep you glued to the pages.

Edited to add: Loved the narrator on this #audiobook.

Expiration Dates | Rebecca Serle
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I picked this book up on a whim last time I was at the library. Thought the cover was eye catching and the blurb, in turn, sounded cute. Never had read or heard of the author before, but decided to give her a go. So glad I went with first impressions because this book was amazing! With the exception of a quick pause to run to Starbucks with the youngest for a weekend treat, this was a read it one go book. So good I could hardly put it down.

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Expiration Dates | Rebecca Serle
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The Burnout: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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Such a quick, easy read. It will make you laugh, smile, & maybe even cry. Full of feel good vibes & heart. Like relatable characters who come complete with messy stories, making them all the more relatable? You'll love Kinsella's writing. Love quirky characters who leave you waiting for the other shoe to drop? You'll enjoy Kinsella's writing. Just need an escape from your own day to day drama? You'll find it in Kinsella's writing.


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Getting up early and spending a few hours hitting up garage sales was how my Jon and I spent our Saturday mornings. We never spent a ton, but we always had a blast and found some good deals. I haven't gone since he died last Summer, but this morning our oldest asked me to go with her. So I did, and it was incredibly bittersweet but fun. I kept seeing things and saying, "Oh, Jon would have loved that!" Which incl the top 2 books in this #bookhaul.

CatLass007 I‘m sorry for your loss. I‘m glad your oldest asked you to go with her. It‘s hard to do things that you used to share with a loved one. My love passed in 2020 and I still can‘t watch Brooklyn 99. I know it sounds silly but he and I are huge admirers of Andre Braugher. I guess now that Mr. Braugher also has passed, my love finally gets to hang out with him. 3mo
TheBookHippie 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 3mo
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