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52 Likes | Medeia Sharif
3 posts | 1 read | 1 to read
After a brutal rape and near-murder, Valerie wants to get past feelings of victimhood from both the assault and her history of being bullied. Not knowing the identity of her masked rapist and dealing with the nasty rumors about that night are two things that plague her daily. Valerie will have to follow ghostly entities, past victims of the rapist-murderer, contacting her through a social media site. Why do all of their eerie photos have 52 likes under them? Their messages are leading her to the mystery man, although he'll put up a fight to remain hidden.
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52 Likes | Medeia Sharif
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#Firstlikes @Texreader

Here is the likes from my very first post. @Baawrabookster @IheartYA @Bookladylinda were the first three. You can even see a like from Listy Welcome. It was exactly 1 year ago I join and have been loving Litsy and my fellow Littens ever since.

hermyknee 💕💕💕 5y
Bookladylinda Awwww! So cool!!!! 5y
79 likes3 comments
52 Likes | Medeia Sharif
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I appreciate the likes but commenting is also appreciated. I like to get to know you guys and gals. I like to talk(chat) about books or learn about your taste in books. Don‘t be afraid I won‘t bite.

AlaSkaat What genre do you like the most? :) 6y
Nevermore88 Fiction. But I‘m open in reading anything. You? 6y
AlaSkaat @Nevermore88 What kind? And I like both fiction and non-fiction xd Mostly well written dramas and science and philosophy :) 6y
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Nevermore88 @OleAnder I like mystery, suspense, YA, horror, some science and some romance. 6y
AlaSkaat @Nevermore88 I haven't read much horror but I really want to. Do you know any verrrrry good ones? 6y
Nevermore88 @OleAnder The Infernal Angel By Edward Lee is a good book. However will it scare the soul out of your body? No, but it‘s a good book. 6y
Chasing_Pages I read a large variety. My favorites are YA, thriller, and contemporary. My least favorite is non-fiction however I‘ve read some good ones lately that are changing my mind. 6y
Nevermore88 @Chasing_Pages which ones did you read that are changing your mind? My least favorite is non fiction too. 6y
Chasing_Pages The glass castle was really good. I‘ve read a lot of memoirs recently like Lauren Graham and Anna Kendrick. Wild was really good too. 6y
12 likes9 comments
52 Likes | Medeia Sharif

So, I read an ARC of this. And it was so, so bad. First of all, the narrator isn't flushed out enough, isn't relatable, and I just couldn't connect with her at all. Or any of the characters, for that matter. 0 emotional connection with this book that's about an awful, horrible, emotional topic. Also, the mystery aspect is too easy to solve. And the writing was not good -- very amateur. The dialogue was way off. Everything about this was way off.