3.5⭐️ A story of two cultures. One full of “stuff” and one full of love and joy. George lives in Kenya and has always wanted to go to school, and his mother tells him God will provide. Until then be happy with what you have. Across the Ocean, the Smiths are a family who are not full, but are full of “stuff”. After a trip to Kenya, and meeting the Georges, the Smiths learn that they don‘t need stuff, just each other. A very lovely story.
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Thank you for all these selections for my grandchildren. 8y
LibrarianRyan @Joyfulmimi your welcome. I have about 10 more to post when I get off desk. 🤓👍🏻😁 8y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Yay! @LibrarianRyan 8y