If the Allies Had Fallen: Sixty Alternate Scenarios of World War II | Dennis E. Showalter, Harold Charles Deutsch
From the Munich crisis to the dropping of the first atom bomb, and fromHitler's declaration of war on the United States to the D-Daylandings—historians suggest "what would have been" if key events in thewar had gone differently. Written by an exceptional team of historiansas if these world-changing events had really happened, realisticscenarios based on the true capabilities and circumstances of theopposing forces are projected with chilling implications. What if theNazis had taken London? The alternate outcomes are fascinating andfully realized. If the Allies Had Fallen is a spirited andterrifying alternate history, and a telling insight into the dramaticpossibilities of World War II. Includes detailed maps. Contributorsinclude Thomas M. Barker, Harold C. Deutsch, Walter S. Dunn, Robert M.Love, D. Clayton James, Bernard C. Nalty, Richard J. Overy, PaulSchratz, Dennis E. Showalter, Gerhard L. Weinberg, Anne Wells, HermanS. Wolk.