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The Fancy
The Fancy: Cora's Daughters - the Fancy Series | Mercedes Keyes
nterracial historical where Dr. Quinton Thaddeus Caine is a bachelor and happy to be so. He could see no reason to alter his status, considering the direction his life was heading. The last thing he wanted was a wife, there was simply no time for one, nor for the courtship ritual required to get one. No thank you! However, saving the life of a slave trader's mother changed all of that. For his deed, he was given a most precious gift, one like no other, a fancy. One held back from the normal auctions. She would have been presented in a special auction and yet - was given to him instead. Her name was Suga and Quinton swore, he'd never known anything so sweet. Although he did not approve of slavery, receiving such a gift was his greatest integrity challenge! Now that she was in his possession, he knew he could not must the conviction to give her back, nor - set her free. An unforgettable interracial romance, historical.
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