Going to start drawing a card every day again. Today was temperance.
Going to start drawing a card every day again. Today was temperance.
Today's daily card time to start a new journey for myself. It's never too late to start over.
When to the book store to get some more tarot cards, sadly they didn't have any. At least I got to take an @EpicReads lookbook to see what I might want to pick up next.
I really like this book. Quick read but I'm probably going to use it for reference a lot. The meanings are more modern and easier to understand. I tried a few spreads from this book and the fool kept ending up in the you, meaning me, position. So a new start is happening for me. This is a great read if you are into the tarot. I want to get another deck now.
Picked up a new book today. I actually feel kind of bad now. It was shelved in the back of the store in New Age but it's brand new. It's hasn't even been out for a month. It didn't have a price sticker. Books in the back aren't cover price, that's how the store is set up, new releases in the front. So I had her price check it, she said "it was in the back?" To which I answered yes. There was another copy there so I got a brand new book for $5.98