The most loved relation with a woman is that of a friend. Va Pu met her in various situations, every now and then. Va Pu has presented this "Sakhi' with her being, her feelings, her high thinking, her sensitivity; every time with a different dimensions. This Sakhi has the capacity to take us beyond imagination, giving us immeasurable happiness. All the nine stories in this collection give us a new dimension for living. They give us pleasure, they reveal the secrets of living, they show us a new angle to make us happy while leading this otherwise monotonous life. They have the capacity to make us aware of the beauty of each moment, the happiness that each moment possesses. The author himself has a very clear vision about the relations, this clear vision is reflected through his Sakhi, his simple, plain and transparent writing makes his Sakhi our Sakhi. But he never complains about it. He wants it in precisely the same way. Va Pu himself says in one of his writings, ' a big tree which is capable of casting shadow should never question a wayfarer as to why has he chosen that tree for shadow instead of taking refuge under some other shadow?'