Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas is a humorous F PB & is perfect for a lower grade level RA. This cute book tell the story of Ed, Ned, Ted...and Bob who are dust bunnies that LOVE rhyming! Does Bob know how to rhyme, or is he trying to warn his friends of something? You‘ll have to read the book to find out! #UCFLAE3414SP18
WendyV I found this great blog by a teacher who used this book for her rhyming unit. She implemented such fun activities that tied into the book. Students had just as much fun rhyming as the dust bunnies did, check it out! http://wildaboutfirsties.blogspot.com/2013/09/lets-rhyme.html?m=1 7y
AshleyC Aww how cute! This seems like a fun book to read to my kindergarteners. As Dr.Spalding stated, rhyming is a great way for students to develop an understanding of words. 7y
DrSpalding I‘m so impressed with the posts and the replies from your peers. Your work is noticed! Excellent alignment and quality teacher blogs can be very helpful.❤️📚 7y
SadiqaH I am going to read this book . I like the voice helpful ESOL strategies .Great choice. 7y
AshleyR This is a silly book my kids always love! 7y
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