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Finally finished, #hashtagbrigade. Having not read this since I was in my 20s, I was surprised to find I did not love it now as much as I did then. I still adored the sisters, Marmee, and Laurie, but I grew weary of the sanctimonious speeches of the narrator on how to be a loving wife and mother in 1800s New England. I guess as a 59-year-motherless-old lady, I didn't want or need to hear them, and there were too many. Still 💜'ed the stories.

TheBookHippie LOL I reread it every December with my Grandmas snarky comments in my head. We had so much fun reading this book together. Probs not what you‘re suppose to do with the story 😵‍💫😭🤣 4h
dabbe @TheBookHippie Now, that's a fabulous idea! I'll picture a Mrs. Grundy reading those parts. 🤩😂🤪 3h
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Catching up on reviews. Finished this last week with the #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade @BarkingMadRead
Overall I enjoyed this. I remember trying to read it when I was 10 or so but I couldn't connect with the characters. I felt I could appreciate it more as an adult. I liked the character growth throughout the story, seeing them mature and finding their own paths (even if my inner feminist balked at certain life choices) Now to watch the movie(s)

Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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#hashtagbrigade ready for AUGUST 🖤

BarkingMadRead Our covers are so similar‘ 3d
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead I noticed that!!! I‘m so excited to read this. 3d
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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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Ok #hashtagbrigade make sure you‘ve got your copy ready, we will be reading a chapter a day in August! My copy has 35 chapters so we will run over into September just a little! Don‘t forget to tag me when you start reading so I can see your book covers! This should be a good one!

Librarybelle Yay!! Looking forward to it! 3d
CatLass007 Ruth is currently available for free on Audible. Yay! I just checked and it has 36 chapters. I find that a little unusual but at least it‘s not a difference of several chapters. It‘ll work. 3d
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AllDebooks Count me in please. X 3d
dabbe #yahoo!!! Lead on, #hashtagqueen 🩵💙🩵
jewright Could I join, please? 3d
BarkingMadRead @jewright absolutely! 3d
Bklover I ordered a copy but it has less than 300 pages so I don‘t know if it is an abridged version or has teeny tiny print. Either way, I have the kindle version. I still may order another copy like yours. 😊😉 3d
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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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Ok #hashtagbrigade
Our next book is Ruth! Mine arrived after I left for a trip so l'll post my cover later. If you're in, drop her and tag her in comment below and I'll add you to the tag list! This is open to anyone, but please know that we read a chapter a day and my hashtags are often ridiculous and always spoilers so don't read my post until you've read the chapter! We start August 1st

Via @BarkingMadRead

BarkingMadRead Thank you for sharing! 1w
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Unpopular opinion. The moralizing was just too much. While reading classical literature I understand it‘s a reflection of the times, this was different for me. Alcott had an agenda. “Ladies you may have dreams, but be ready to put them away to serve a husband. Or die, that‘s also an option” This was served in nauseating endearments like sugar coated evangelism. Rather like trad-wife content today. I‘m glad I read it. I prefer the adaptations.

Cuilin Thanks to the #hashtagBrigade and @BarkingMadRead for creating a safe space for varying opinions. (edited) 1w
BarbaraBB I felt the same when I read it a few years ago. And I love your view 😍 1w
Cuilin @BarbaraBB thank you 😊 1w
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CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian Ha, I loathed this too! 1w
dabbe I feel differently having read this as a 58-year-old as well and am more on your page than I was when I was younger. And thank goodness for varying opinions! That's the richness of discussing literature. 🩵💙🩵 1w
Cuilin @dabbe I can‘t believe the book that I just finished is the same novel I read when I was 12!! (edited) 1w
Cuilin @CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian loathers unite 🫶 1w
dabbe @Cuilin I felt the same way reading WUTHERING HEIGHTS. I couldn't believe how much I disliked Heathcliff and Cathy this time around! Romance? Hell, no! Obsession? Hell ya! 1w
Cuilin @dabbe I think I‘ll skip a reread of Wuthering Heights for now. lol (edited) 1w
TracyReadsBooks Alcott actually made a living writing serialized sensationalist stories for a newspaper and they are so much better. Entertaining and definitely over the top but generally a lot of fun. 1w
Cuilin @TracyReadsBooks Glad to hear this. I‘ll have to check out one of these stories. Thanks 🙏 😊 1w
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I'm always down for a reread of one of my heart-books, so I was happy when this came up as a #HashtagBrigade read. I know its old-fashioned sensibilities aren't for everyone, but I think many of Alcott's lessons on love, patience, kindness, and selflessness are timeless. This one has been hugely influential for me throughout my life, so while I understand some of the criticisms of it... I don't accept them 😂

I'm not sure how old this particular⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) edition is, but Mary Steele wrote her address in it in 1933!! 1w
Cuilin Sorry, 😬 scroll right past my review. Lol 1w
TheAromaofBooks @Cuilin - haha no worries, I know everyone comes to every book from their own perspective. I generally just let reviews I don't like roll on by 😂 Reading a book is a very subjective experience, and I've definitely hated on books that other people love!! 1w
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Cuilin @TheAromaofBooks thanks. I feel the same way about Jane Austen as you do about this book. I have a hard time with people saying they read Pride and Prejudice and hated it. I‘m like what are you talking about? What I do appreciate is Litsy being a safe space for all opinions. 🩷 1w
Clare-Dragonfly I agree with you so much! 😍 Heart book is a great way to describe my relationship with it. I have criticisms of it, certainly, but it also taught me a lot of good lessons, and I disagree with many of others‘ complaints. (Like apparently a lot of people hate Bhaer??? I think they‘re reading him differently than I do.) 1w
Clare-Dragonfly I wonder if your Mary Steele read the book because of the Katharine Hepburn film? That‘s the year it came out! I just watched it and it was absolutely gorgeous. And I don‘t just mean the costumes 😂 Hepburn is a pitch-perfect Jo. 1w
AvidReader25 I love this book so much. One of my favorites to reread! 1w
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I enjoyed the #hashtagbrigade reread of Little Women. Jo is still my favourite but Amy comes a close second - she is pretty fearless in charting her own destiny. We talked a bit about LMA having a bit of an agenda re:gender roles in LW. Old eyes can see the problems easier sometimes

Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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Ok #hashtagbrigade
Our next book is Ruth! Mine arrived after I left for a trip so I‘ll post my cover later. If you‘re in, drop a comment below and I‘ll add you to the tag list! This is open to anyone, but please know that we read a chapter a day and my hashtags are often ridiculous and always spoilers so don‘t read my post until you‘ve read the chapter! We start August 1st

Librarybelle My copy is ready to go! Looking forward to it! 1w
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Ruthiella I‘m in! Just need to get my hands on a copy. My just download from Project Gutenberg to my kindle. 🤔 1w
currentlyreadinginCO I'm in! Haven't been reading as much lady but I am ready for August! 1w
Amor4Libros I hope I do better than with Little Women 😅 (it was a re-read, so I cut myself some slack). I had never heard of this one and it sounds so interesting. Count me in! 1w
Bookwormjillk Looking forward to another Gaskell! 1w
CatLass007 At first, I thought it was unavailable in audio format. I was mistaken. It‘s is free on Audible for all who are interested. So, count me in. 1w
mcctrish I‘m going to try and track Ruth down 1w
Amor4Libros @CatLass007 Thanks for the info! I will be listening on Audible, too 😊 1w
BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 1w
IndoorDame I‘m excited! I‘ve really liked Gaskell so far! 1w
rubyslippersreads I‘m excited to read another Gaskell. 1w
TheBookHippie I‘m so excited ! 1w
TheAromaofBooks I think I am going to pass on this one - August is looking a lil crazy and this book kind of sounds like a downer 😂 1w
peanutnine I think I'll sit this one out! 🙂 1w
dabbe I'll give it a go! 🤩 1w
BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 1w
Crinoline_Laphroaig Free on Audible so I'll give it a go. Are we doing Chapter A Day? 1w
Clare-Dragonfly I‘ve liked other Gaskell, so I‘ll give this a go! 1w
julieclair I‘m in! Thanks for the heads up about Audible, @CatLass007 and @Crinoline_Laphroaig ! 1w
Aimeesue I‘m in! 1w
quietjenn Yes, really looking forward to it! 1w
BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 1w
KAO Hi! Please add me to the list for Ruth! My book should arrive next week. Thanks for the reminder/heads up so that books can be ordered! 6d
BarkingMadRead 😍😍😍 6d
Bklover Yes!!!!! I‘m here for Ruth!!! 5d
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Librarybelle Thanks for another fun #HashtagBrigade ! 1w
Bookwormjillk Thanks for hosting us once again! Jo collecting boys read a little weird, but having people chorus from trees on my birthday is new #LifeGoals 1w
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Cuilin The teacher in me loved the idea of the boys school, not sure that ever made it into any adaptation? Thanks for hosting, but I‘m glad this one is done. 1w
mcctrish And they ( and we ) lived happily ever after. Thank you for hosting it was nice to revisit the Little Women 1w
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin I feel like it was hinted at but not actually shown (edited) 1w
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead @BarkingMadRead I think there‘s a Jo‘s Boys book. 1w
peanutnine What an unexpected ending! I'm not mad about it though. This was a fun read overall! I'm glad I finally read this one, I'm grateful for the buddy read giving me the incentive! 🤗 1w
willaful @Cuilin Bookwormjillk There are two sequels to Little Women -- Little Men, which is about the school, and very fun, and Jo's Boys, which is about the kids grown up and marrying off. 1w
Clare-Dragonfly I am always disappointed by this ending. Jo says she is going to write still, but she doesn‘t actually do it that we see. She claims to have this long-cherished dream of opening a boys‘ school but it‘s never been mentioned before! 1w
julieclair The ending was a bit out of left field, but I actually liked the idea of the boys school. Thanks for hosting, @BarkingMadRead . I would never have re-read this without the #hashtagbrigade . 😘 1w
Graciouswarriorprincess Thanks for hosting! 1w
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