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Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, Fiction
Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, Fiction | Charlotte Bront
81 posts | 65 read | 84 to read
Of late years an abundant shower of curates has fallen upon the north of England: they lie very thick on the hills; every parish has one or more of them; they are young enough to be very active, and ought to be doing a great deal of good. But not of late years are we about to speak; we are going back to the beginning of this century: late years -- present years are dusty, sunburned, hot, arid; we will evade the noon, forget it in siesta, pass the midday in slumber, and dream of dawn. If you think, from this prelude, that anything like a romance is preparing for you, reader, you never were more mistaken. Do you anticipate sentiment, and poetry, and reverie? Do you expect passion, and stimulus, and melodrama? Calm your expectations; reduce them to a lowly standard. Something real, cool and solid lies before you; something unromantic as Monday morning, when all who have work wake with the consciousness that they must rise and betake themselves thereto. It is not positively affirmed that you shall not have a taste of the exciting. . . .
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I‘ve had to resort to an ereader once again 📚 this weekend I need to read several novels— Shirley (which I quite like), The Professor, The Gift of Asher Lev and My Name is Asher Lev, The Dybbuk, and Regrowth by Der Nister. That‘s not listing the textbook chapters and scholarly articles also assigned. Thankfully, they‘re all on this beautiful little device so I can speed read at my ease instead of carrying their collective literary weight 📕📗📘📙

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As a part of my yearly goal to read all of the works of the Brontë sisters, Shirley was apart of my required reading for the year. A far cry from Jane Eyre. I found Shirley lagging in plot, and difficult to imbed oneself into the story as I usually do in most of the books I read. To be fair it was well written but not to my taste, I would have shelfed it earlier if it was not a personal goal of mine to complete this novel in its entirety.

Pip2 Added: As a result, this book took me four times the length of time as another book would have with the same length and difficulty. 2y
282Mikado Congrats on finishing. I gotta give you one for stick-to-it-ivness. based on earlier comments I would have bailed. On to better things. FYI Dombey is good. A couple characters I definitely gravitate towards. Not CDs best, but good. 2y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront

This was quite a pleasant surprise for my #bookspin it took me a long time to read it... I was worried it was going to be really boring, and it was dense, but an entertaining read! The set up was quite obvious from the start but I enjoyed the dialogue and a lot of wry humour from the narrator!


SamAnne This one is on my list for 2021 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Such a joy to read. Two brothers find their true loves during a rocky time of the Industrial Revolution. I enjoyed the different romances and how each relationships were developed. All four find themselves with an illness that only their love can cure. That was a little bit too much.

#EasterExtravaganza @Andrew65 4/5
#ClassicsChallenge2020 @Reviewsbylola

Andrew65 Going great! 👏👏👏 4y
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I never can touch her hand, or a ringlet of her head, or a ribbon of her dress, but I will make privileges for myself. Every feature of her face, her bright eyes, her lips, shall go through each change they know, for my pleasure- display each exquisite variety of glance and curve, to delight, thrill, perhaps more hopelessly to enchain me.If I must be her slave, I will not lose my freedom for nothing.

I may like this more than Wuthering Heights.

SamAnne I must get back to this one. Got distracted by other reads last winter and didn‘t get far. But I loved what I read. 4y
Butterfinger @SamAnne I am enjoying it. It has slow parts, but most classics do. 4y
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We have none of us long to live. Let us help each other through seasons of want and woe as well as we can, without heeding in the least the scruples of vain philosophy.

sprainedbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Love can excuse anything except meanness; but meanness kills love, cripples even natural affection; without esteem true love cannot exist.


#WeeklyForecast @Cinfhen

Continue reading and discussing - Joseph and His Brothers and 1Q84 (I can't wait to be finished with these two)

Complete Shirley (another GoodReads discussion), Twig, and A Friend of the Family

Begin The Sandman, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and Anne of Avonlea

Cinfhen I‘ve been meaning to read 4y
Cinfhen Her other book, destroyed me 4y
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Not being a native, nor for any length of time a resident of the neighborhood, he did not sufficiently care when the new inventions threw the old workplace out of employ.

I never thought this would have been relevant in 1811. I thought the Industrial Revolution brought jobs to the people, but this was before IR. Maybe, it means farm machinery and the tenants were being replaced. 🤷

Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Faves of 2019 #adventrecommends Dec 12

This was another Litsy buddy read, this time with the fabulous #shirlitesunite group. A book that started out slow but won me over with its female characters and their deep, complex conversations with each other, set against the politically-engaged backdrop of the Luddite uprisings in Yorkshire.


Scochrane26 I‘ve only read the more well-known books from the Bronte sisters & didn‘t know there were more. 5y
batsy @Scochrane26 This one and The Professor seem to be Charlotte's lesser-known novels. I haven't read the latter; I'm glad there's one more to look forward to 🙂 5y
LeahBergen Yes to this! It was a great buddy read! 💕💕 5y
batsy @LeahBergen It was ❤️ 5y
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Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte | Emily Bront, Charlotte Bront, Anne Bront
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It was a bit of a slow start with this book, but once the title character enters the scene it‘s been an absolute treat. Jane Eyre will always be my favourite of Charlotte‘s work, but Shirley is quickly becoming a firm favourite. I love spirited & intelligent heroines, & Shirley is the very definition of this. If you haven‘t read this one, I highly recommend it. I‘ve even laughed out loud at a couple of parts, always a sign of a good book.

batsy I put this off for a long time until some of us did a buddy read on Litsy and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I mean, it's Charlotte after all but still, it was a nice surprise ❤️ 5y
catebutler @batsy I definitely think reading this as a group was the nudge I needed too. I honestly haven‘t heard that much about her lesser known works, so this one was never at the top of my list to get to. It‘s interesting though, I just found out, several historical figures praised this book, including Vincent Van Gogh. Interesting indeed! 5y
batsy @catebutler I love Van Gogh, and it's so cool to learn that he liked this too! Thanks for that 🙂 5y
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Shirley (Revised) | Charlotte Bront
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Luddite is a pretty pejorative term now but the destructive of new technology in northern English mills into the early 1800s was a protest over working conditions and deskilling during a time of economic upheaval. Shirley is set against this backdrop in West Yorkshire. #ayupaugust #IPredictARiot @Cinfhen @squirrelbrain

saresmoore It was Shirley that really helped me understand Luddite for the first time. History really does repeat itself. 5y
squirrelbrain I really should reread this one - haven‘t read it since I was a teen and I‘m sure it didn‘t mean much to me then.... 5y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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In the shop at the Van Gogh and Britain exhibit they had cards with quotes showing how Van Gogh was influenced by/thought about various British novels they know be read and talked about! Gonna post a couple so you guys can see.

I had no idea he was so well read, I really want to buy a copy of his letters and track down his influences and just generally read more about him.

andrew61 That's fascinating, thanks for sharing. 5y
Emilymdxn @andrew61 thanks! 5y
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LeahBergen This is awesome! 😍 5y
erzascarletbookgasm 😍 Thanks for sharing. I hope to read the Letters Of Van Gogh sometime. 5y
batsy Thanks for sharing this. I love Van Gogh even more now ❤️ 5y
DivineDiana This is fascinating! So interesting! I now want to read Van Hogg‘s letters as well! 5y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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So late to the #ShirlitesUnite party, but I‘m glad I finally finished! I'm not the biggest fan of Jane Eyre, so I went in with a bit of trepidation here. It started a bit slowly, and with a very Jane-ish character at the center, but once smart ass, progressive, Shirley comes to town, everything picks up. Shirley is described at one point as the kind of woman you fall in love with a year after meeting her. My kind of girl all the way then.

LeahBergen It certainly did have a slow start but I ended up loving it. 👍🏻 5y
batsy Yes! ❤️ 5y
merelybookish Yay! Glad you perseverved! 5y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Thanks to:
💜the #shirlitesunite buddy readers for a great readalong!
💜#TOB for making me read books I might otherwise skip. (And sometime still wish I had - I'm looking at you Overstory. 😬)
💜@thebookhippie for giving me incentive to read a children's lit classic.
💜honest, brave, prose stylists like Ephron, Athill & Wang
💜and Virginia Woolf for being Virginia Woolf

It was a great month of reading!!

saresmoore A great month, indeed! 6y
batsy What a fab month and a sweet summary of your reading. (Did you like Stet?) 6y
LeahBergen Nice! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm Yay! 👏💫 6y
merelybookish @batsy Thanks! Yes, I did like Stet. I find publishing a fascinating world and she's very candid. She was Jean Rhys's editor so that chapter was interesting, too. 6y
merelybookish @saresmoore @LeahBergen @erzascarletbookgasm Thanks friends! Shirley in February was a delight! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Nice job! 📖💖 6y
batsy It sounds really good. I was curious because she was Jean Rhys' editor (and not sure if she knew Angela Carter, as well?) and I too can't resist reading about the publishing industry! 6y
andrew61 @batsy Thanks again for organising the Shirley readalong. My physical reading group have decided to do Stet in june i think so looking forward to reading comments. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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I was nervous to tackle this one, but once Shirley and Caroline came into the picture I was completely absorbed. I was drawn into the love stories but also into how the heroines viewed their role in society and how they made their place, overcoming stereotypes of the time. Some of Shirley‘s speeches made me want to stand up and applaud. Not much to add to the other wonderful reviews by fellow buddy readers. #shirlitesunite

saresmoore ♥️♥️♥️ It was a great buddy read! 6y
batsy Such a good read and I'm glad we had the readalong. Loved seeing everyone's input ❤️ 6y
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LeahBergen I‘m so glad this buddy read got me to finally read Shirley (my “last” Bronte 😩). 6y
erzascarletbookgasm 👏 yes! ❤️ 6y
andrew61 A really enjoyable experience and enjoyed everyone's insights. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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I enjoyed this immensely, especially the latter part..the last few hundred pages flew by. In Shirley, Charlotte Bronte gave us an insight into her opinions about varying topics that she was most ardent about. I love the remarkably drawn characters, especially the two heroines; the beautiful language; interesting archaic words and declarations of love; her satirical sense of humour, and even the historical parts..it‘s worth taking the time. ⬇️

erzascarletbookgasm Thanks to buddy readers for making this an interesting buddy read. Thanks @merelybookish for prompting us to read this hidden gem. 💎 #shirlitesunite 6y
Cathythoughts Well done 👍🏻♥️ 6y
batsy Yes, absolute worth taking the time for the Brontës! 😍 Lovely review 💜 6y
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merelybookish Great review! I'm so glad you joined along! I agree that her language is wonderful! Just one of the joys of reading the Bronte! 6y
LeahBergen What a lovely review. It‘s been fun buddy reading with you! 😘 6y
Blaire Agree. It was a great buddy read and everyone‘s comments enhanced my reading experience. 6y
andrew61 Great review - i really enjoyed this buddy read and everyone's thoughts which really enhanced the experience. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Shirley is often referred to as Charlotte Brontë's social novel, & is set in Yorkshire with the Napoleonic Wars & the Luddite uprisings taking place. Initially I found the novel hard to get into because of the 3rd-person narrative; both Jane Eyre & Villette, which are 1st-person narratives, are books that I love quite intensely! But as soon as it delved into the main characters, Shirley & Caroline, I couldn't put this down. 👇🏽 #shirlitesunite

batsy What I think Charlotte loves best, & what interests her most, is depicting the interior lives of women: their hopes, fantasies, dreams, & thoughts. I loved the way Caroline & Shirley had intense discussions about everything that mattered. They are remarkable characters who felt so real. 💜 The psychological landscape of her female characters are entire novels in themselves. Thanks to @merelybookish for spurring us on to read it this month... 6y
batsy & thanks to buddy readers for a rewarding group read @andrew61 @Blaire @erzascarletbookgasm @LeahBergen @mklong @saresmoore @rubyslippersreads @Weaponxgirl. (And I told myself *this time* I'll keep my review under 451 characters... 🤣) 6y
Readergrrl Your review has tipped me over the edge into reading Shirley. I, too, love Jane Eyre and your comments about Shirley have me intrigued. 💛💛💛 6y
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saresmoore I love it when you don‘t limit your reviews because you just write the best damn reviews! 6y
Billypar What @saresmoore said ☺️👍 6y
Tanisha_A *drools on your review* 6y
batsy @Readergrrl I'm so glad to hear that! I hope you enjoy it; it does seem to elicit different reactions from people who both loved and didn't quite love Jane Eyre 🙂 6y
batsy @saresmoore @Billypar Thank you for that :) ❤️❤️ 6y
batsy @Tanisha_A Oh, you 😂😘 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Yes to all you said. Wonderfully reviewed 👏❤️ 6y
RohitSawant This sounds so great! Hoping to get to it soon. 6y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Thank you, friend! ❤️ 6y
batsy @rohit-sawant Can't wait to hear your thoughts! 6y
rubyslippersreads I‘m behind on this, but loving it. 😊 6y
andrew61 Great review ☺ 6y
LeahBergen I‘m so with you on the 3rd-person narration in this one. In a Bronte novel?? 😮 It totally threw me off for the first 5 or 6 chapters. Great review! It was lovely to buddy read with you. 😘 6y
Freespirit Loved it also💕 6y
batsy @rubyslippersreads Yay, I'm happy to hear that! 6y
batsy @andrew61 Thank you! :) 6y
batsy @LeahBergen I know, right? It was a weird feeling when I first started, like "Charlotte, is that you?" ? And it's always a treat to buddy read with you ❤️ 6y
batsy @Freespirit Still mulling over so much of this book 💜 6y
merelybookish Beautiful review! Charlotte can't help but plumb the depths of the female psyche. And I love her for it!! It was a fun readalong! 6y
batsy @merelybookish Thank you! It was immensely fun reading with you guys! 6y
Blaire Yes! It was a great readalong and I never would have read it otherwise. Loved it, especially the last half. I was hooked and then when Louis appeared I was really hooked. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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#shirlitesunite A celebratory ☕ of my fave brew having finished another glorious Bronte. I loved the historical context of the battle against creeping industrialisation whilst the napolenic wars rage + port blockades stop trade. Beautifully drawn characters and plot with a sense of place + season that had me totally absorbed.
@Blaire @erzascarletbookgasm @LeahBergen @merelybookish @batsy @mklong @Weaponxgirl @saresmoore @rubyslippersreads

saresmoore I was drinking this throughout reading, too. Seemed appropriate! I think Yorkshire Gold is my favorite, though it‘s harder to find ‘round here. 6y
andrew61 @saresmoore ay up and ee bye gum lass, 'appen tha knows the perfect brew ☺ 6y
saresmoore 😁 6y
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merelybookish Yay! Glad you came along for the Shirley ride. I'm glad we all seem to have enjoyed it! 6y
andrew61 @merelybookish yes thanks for organising, i really enjoyed sharing thoughts on the book ☺ 6y
batsy A lovely review of what makes the book special 🙂 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Superb accompaniment to the book. Yay for a ‘pick‘. 6y
LeahBergen What a lovely review (with some good ‘product placement‘ of Yorkshire tea - a favourite of mine, as well!) 6y
Blaire Yes! Lovely review. I too became absorbed in the story. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Just finished this chapter where the true identity of a certain person is revealed. I‘m truly invested in the story now, since a few chapters back, compared to the earlier part of the book. #shirlitesunite

Cathythoughts You Shirley girls are so inspiring ♥️ I may recommend next for Bookclub 6y
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts They may shout you down (it‘s almost 700 pages 😆😆). 6y
LeahBergen @erzascarletbookgasm It‘s good now, isn‘t it? 😬 6y
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saresmoore @Cathythoughts I‘m echoing @LeahBergen here—this book is an investment! 6y
saresmoore Yes! I‘m so glad you‘re enjoying it now! I thought this last portion more than made up for the boring historical parts. 6y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen at 700 pages I havnt a hope .... 😂not a snow flakes chance in hell ( they are Bronte fans ... but this is another level.. (edited) 6y
andrew61 It was a bit of a shock disclosure. 6y
merelybookish Glad that you're getting into the story! The pacing really picks up from here on out, although I didn't mind the beginning. And @cathythoughts, "let's read Shirley in February" turned into "I need all of February to read Shirley." 6y
merelybookish Also Jessie, your sweet Valentine arrived today. It was a perfect little pick-me-up. Thank you!! 💕 6y
batsy I'm so glad you're getting invested in the story! This one is very much a slow burn and takes its time inviting the reader in. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm In the beginning it was slow (though I didn‘t mind the history parts) and I was reading on Serial Reader then..not quite getting into the story. It‘s engrossing now, and I‘m thoroughly enjoying it! The chapters just flew by and I‘m sad it‘s getting to the end. @LeahBergen @saresmoore @merelybookish @batsy 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @andrew61 I did not expect that! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @merelybookish The card certainly took its own sweet time to arrive 🐌....you‘re welcome 😘 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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This turned out to be my favorite of Charlotte Brontë‘s books. She toyed with convention, perspective, and probably what her readers expected. The historical bits weren‘t compelling, but I‘m glad they were there. I think this framework facilitated a greater freedom in her construction and design of the rest of the book. About halfway through, when she really settled into that psychological character study that I know and love, is when I knew... ?

saresmoore ...I was hooked. She is deft at the subtle presentation of multiple worldviews and I think she took liberties in magnanimity that aren‘t found in her earlier works. I could happily live the rest of my life without ever hearing the word physiognomy again and I wish people would just open doors instead of unclosing them, but I was enrapt by Charlotte‘s masterful (if archaic) use of language and subsumed by this remarkable story. #shirlitesunite 6y
Cathythoughts What a great review... & well done finishing this book 👍🏻♥️ 6y
saresmoore @Cathythoughts Thank you! ♥️ 6y
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gradcat Your review made me smile...so great! 👍🥰 6y
batsy Beautiful review, friend! I can't imagine adding anything to this. I love your point about her toying with convention, perspective, and expectations ❤️ 6y
LauraBeth That‘s a wonderful review! 6y
TrishB Lovely review ❤️ 6y
saresmoore @gradcat Well, thanks! ♥️😘 6y
saresmoore @batsy Thank you, Suba! I‘m sure you could add lots of wisdom to it. You‘ve really inspired this Brontë tangent in my reading life and I‘m LOVING it. ♥️♥️♥️ 6y
saresmoore @LauraBeth @TrishB Thank you, my lovely friends! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm What a lovely review! ❤️ I‘m not finished with it but I‘m already liking it more than Jane Eyre. 6y
LeahBergen Wonderful, wonderful review! And yes ... the unclosing of doors. 😆😆 6y
RohitSawant Fantastic review! Hoping to read this soon! 6y
saresmoore @LeahBergen I keep thinking about unclosing books and cabinets! So many words she uses (when I look them up, because I‘ve never come across them before) have “archaic” in the definition. But now that I know more about Patrick‘s reverence for his antique books, I understand where this habit probably originated. 6y
saresmoore @rohit-sawant Thanks, friend! It‘s still no Wuthering Heights, but there are plenty of delightful (and poignant) allusions to Emily & Anne throughout. 6y
andrew61 Great review sara. I've really enjoyed sharing this book with everyone and your analysis is spot, i don't think i will be able to express it any better. ☺ 6y
saresmoore @andrew61 Thank you, Andrew! It has been a lovely buddy read. 6y
readordierachel Your favorite Charlotte Bronte! Must read this soon with an endorsement like that. Great review! 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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I've been reading on the go today (at the hair salon, in the parent pick-up line), but saved the last chapter for tonight.
Pages in this battered copy are starting to fall out, and the Luddite mug seemed appropriate, even tho they didn't factor as much in the plot as I expected.
Almost sad to finish this one!
@saresmoore @Blaire @LeahBergen @batsy @mklong @andrew61 @rubyslippersreads @erzascarletbookgasm @Weaponxgirl

batsy I thought there would be more Luddites, too! Lol. It's interesting; I feel like Charlotte gravitates towards writing about the inner psychological landscape despite the overt social themes of the novel. 6y
merelybookish @batsy Yes, it's pretty clear where her interests lie. Ultimately this is a novel about Shirley and Caroline. Would their story be that different set 20, 30, 40 years later or earlier? I was also thinking how she finds something to honour about all the female characters except the most conventional ones. Whereas she is more critical of men. 6y
sarahbarnes This mug is amazing. 😆 6y
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LeahBergen I, too, thought there would be more Luddites (now THAT is a sentence I never thought I‘d type 😂😂). @batsy (edited) 6y
andrew61 Love the mug. 6y
saresmoore I thoroughly enjoyed this book! 6y
merelybookish @sarahbarnes @andrew61 Thanks! The mug was a joke gift for my husband who is super techy. It's one of my faves. 6y
merelybookish @saresmoore Me too! I thoroughly enjoy CB! And I don't think it's as far off from her other books as the intros made it seem. 6y
saresmoore I agree. It settled right into that familiar CB rhythm, I think. I hated Jane Eyre when I read it as a young adult, but after acquiring a bit more worldly wisdom (with which Charlotte seems to have been born), I‘ve come to appreciate her work deeply. 6y
merelybookish @saresmoore Maybe we can do a Professor buddy read some time in the future. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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#shirlitesunite Read the next chapter and well i never!
Anyway here is a cure for all that ails you which i will keep handy for my next dose of man flu.

Blaire 😍 😂 a pipe and oysters - quite the cure. (edited) 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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I do like caroline - mrs yorke has just said that hortense is not sharp witted then is sly to C abt Robert and C gives her what for. what she sees in Robert moore i don't know!
And what's going on Robert has a brother.
I think someone shd write a bk abt jessie and rose.
shd i read another chapter before turning the light off? Just 1☺
@Blaire @erzascarletbookgasm @LeahBergen @merelybookish @batsy @mklong @Weaponxgirl @saresmoore #shirlitesunite

Blaire Keep reading...once robert‘s brother is in the picture there is a lot of intrigue coming your way. 6y
batsy What @Blaire said :) 6y
LeahBergen What @Blaire and @batsy said. 😆 6y
merelybookish I agree about Rose and Jessy! We get these tantalizing bits about them. We even know they die young! 6y
saresmoore Yes, this marks just about the point that really hooked me in this book! I love the idea of a book about J & R—even the whole Yorke family. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Another fun chapter title. This book has absorbed me! #shirlitesunite

LeahBergen Me, too!! 😮 6y
SamAnne I‘m reading too! 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Removed the names from this in order not to spoil it for anyone, but I really like this. It's a sort of lowkey but unabashedly feminist thing to put in the mouths of male characters ... especially since the novel is packed with discussions about the nature of marriage & its conditions for women.

And with this I've reached the end. I'm sad it's over! I struggled with the early chapters but then got completely swept up ❤️ #shirlitesunite

saresmoore I‘m swept up right now! I‘ll finish it today. So surprisingly engrossing. 6y
batsy @saresmoore Yes! I thought I was going to find it a slog in parts but I couldn't put it down. 6y
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Blaire Agree. I finished it last night and was completely engrossed once it moved away from the mills and more deeply into the characters‘ stories. Loved so many of the characters and especially loved the last couple of chapters. Shirley really told some men how it was. 6y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore @batsy @Blaire I read this one a few years ago and loved it. Interesting how the book caused Shirley to become a female name rather than a male one! 6y
saresmoore I mean, how could you not be riveted by a chapter that ends with, “A fierce flash and a sharp crack violated the calm of night. Yorke, ere he turned, knew the four convicts of Birmingham were avenged.” This might end up being my favorite of Charlotte‘s works. @batsy @Blaire 6y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads I really see why you loved it! Before reading this, I had no inkling that Shirley had been a typically male name. The breadth of Brontë influence is impressive! 6y
batsy @Blaire She really did ❤️ 6y
batsy @Moray_Reads @saresmoore I had no clue about Shirley being a male name prior to reading this, as well. Literary trends/influence are so interesting! 6y
rubyslippersreads I had no idea I would enjoy this book as much I have. I‘m behind the rest of you, but will be catching up now that I‘ve “met” Shirley. 6y
LeahBergen I‘m not reading anything here as I‘m so close to the end! 😆 6y
andrew61 Wow well done - the last chapter i read ended with carolines men of Yorkshire, men of England speech which felt very assertive of women's right to have a role more than sewing and waiting on men. Wouldn't you love to time travel back to meet charlotte. 6y
LeahBergen I just finished!! 😩😩😩 I thought, at first, that I‘d actively dislike this one but ... oh, my! ... I became besotted with these characters (and had a wee bit of the embarrassing hots for Louis during his final manly speeches 😆😆). I so, SO saw Louis‘ character as Charlotte‘s unrequited wish for what a life with her real-life Monsieur Heger would be like (and that was sad). @saresmoore @Moray_Reads @Blaire (and whoever else has finished) 6y
batsy @andrew61 Oh, that would be fantastic. I have such an author crush on Charlotte 🥰 6y
batsy @LeahBergen So happy that you liked it, too! When I first started I went "uh oh" cos I thought I might not like it too, but besotted is the right word for how I felt for some of these characters @rubyslippersreads 6y
batsy @LeahBergen I know what you mean, I get the sense of some deep wish fulfilment in how she would have liked her own love story to have turned out 💔 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Well done! Great that you liked this! I‘m not going to read those comments above here, coz I‘m way behind...kinda slow in the early part.. 6y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Yes, it does move very slowly in the early parts. To me it really came together after it got deeper into Caroline's character and Shirley was introduced. 6y
saresmoore @LeahBergen I felt the same way—to all of what you expressed. I feel like Charlotte got to be a little cheeky and expressed herself more freely. Or maybe it‘s just her maturity shining through. Whatever the case, this is my favorite of hers, I think. 6y
Blaire @andrew61 yes all of her writing about women‘s roles felt so forward thinking and she really let the women speak their minds the further the book went along. 6y
Blaire @LeahBergen @saresmoore @Moray_Reads yes! Completely agree and I also loved Louis and was glad Robert redeemed himself and admitted his mistakes. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Oh, my. I‘m getting a little twitterpated over here! I think I‘m a Louis fan. #shirlitesunite

saresmoore @Suet624 I don‘t know if this quiet, gentle fictional dreamboat is anything like your Louie, but I like to think so. 😄🤞 6y
Louise What a great description. In two lines, we can already picture the kind of man he is. 👍 6y
saresmoore @Louise Yes! It would be a great blurb for an online dating profile—I already want to know him better. 😄 6y
See All 8 Comments
Suet624 It actually does sound very much like my sweet Louie. And how funny the character has your last name. We‘re officially related...in some way. 6y
LeahBergen I‘m getting a bit of a #BronteCrush on him. 😳 (edited) 6y
batsy Would swipe right on his Tinder profile 🥰 6y
saresmoore @Suet624 ✨💫 6y
saresmoore @LeahBergen I‘m already a lost cause. @batsy 😂 (You‘ve just described the extent of my understanding of Tinder.) 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Shirley, unhappy kid and I are at the orthodontist's office. 🙁 (Someone is getting braces.)
I was away for the weekend and didn't get much reading done. But I did cross the 400 page mark. A secret I suspected was revealed.
And anyone else find the stuff about Rose and Jessy Yorke's graves kind of weird? It came up again.
#shirlitesunite @blaire @leahbergen @batsy @mklong @saresmoore @andrew61 @erzascarletbookgasm

AlaMich I loved the striped tights!! 6y
saresmoore I did NOT suspect the Mrs. Pryor secret! I haven‘t been reading as closely—doing a lot of audio—so the reveal actually made me gasp during my walk. 😅 6y
merelybookish @saresmoore Ha! That has happened to me with audio before. I got an inkling from a few things Mrs. Pryor said. 6y
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saresmoore I‘m amazed by how much nuance I can miss when I‘m listening. My mind wanders when I read a physical book, too, but I always go back. And sorry about the braces. I remember the experience being harrowing for me, but I imagine it was even worse for my mom. Love to you both! ♥️ 6y
Cinfhen Good luck with the braces 😬 6y
merelybookish Ooops sorry forgot to to tag you @rubyslippersreads 6y
merelybookish @Cinfhen Thank you! We will need it. Its going to be a long road. And she's not really on board. 6y
LeahBergen I didn‘t get any reading done over the weekend either. 🙄 Almost to page 400, too! 6y
merelybookish @AlaMich They are my daughter's favourites! 6y
andrew61 Oh dear, hopefully our third and youngest daughter will nearly be finished soon with braces - our orthodontist is like a conveyor belt with a constant stream of children in the waiting room. Putting my Shirley 🎩 on now i have just passed the shootout at the mill - very dramatic - not sure where charlotte is placing herself in this conflict, very much in Shirley's response on the fence i think. 6y
Blaire I‘m pretty sure I got to the secret that you and Shirley suspected (or really Shirley knew). I have to say I did not suspect it!!! I was like what!?!? @saresmoore (just read under the spoilers...it made me gasp too!) (edited) 6y
LeahBergen @merelybookish @saresmoore @Blaire I read the secret bit today, too! I did have a few suspicions (especially when Mrs Pryor offers to have Caroline live with her if Shirley marries). Did you notice that when Mrs Pryor is discussing her past as a governess that she refers to herself as “Miss Grey”? We then find out later on (by Mr Helstone) that her first name is “Agnes”. Agnes Grey! Anne Brontë‘s titular governess character. ?? 6y
LeahBergen Is Charlotte giving a little nod to her sister, Anne, who had just died when she was writing this novel? 🤔 6y
saresmoore @LeahBergen Great catch! I think that‘s exactly what it is. Shirley was a labor of love, in many ways, I think. 6y
batsy @LeahBergen Yes, good catch! I get the sense that Emily and Anne haunt this novel. I'm about 20 pages towards the end and there is a moment where Caroline describes Shirley that makes me think of how Emily is usually described 💜 6y
batsy Much love to the kid ❤️ I remember my sister and nephews struggling through braces... I still remember my nephew going, "Now I understand freedom" when it was finally taken off ? 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I think I‘ll switch to the pdf version soon. The daily issue by Serial Reader is too slow, I‘m only at chapter 12!! 6y
merelybookish @LeahBergen Yes. I noticed that too. It didn't seen accidental. I also thought the marriage of Caroline's parents echoed the issues in Tenant of Wildfell Hall. 6y
merelybookish @andrew61 Thanks! Yes, braces as a rite of passage. My eldest got away without having them but 2 and 3 both need major orthodontics. 🤑🙁 As for where Bronte falls, I think it's unclear altho I might lean towards a more Tory conservative perspective. There's a conversation between Shirley and Mr. Yorke later where she seems to take a stand. Against him, at least. 6y
merelybookish @batsy Thanks. Freedom indeed! She is mourning all the foods she cannot eat. I know she'll eventually adjust but right now, it's pretty devestating. 6y
merelybookish @erzascarletbookgasm I was thinking the other day that one of us should mail you a copy. Because I know Serial Reader can be slow. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Oh no, it‘ll take forever to reach me. I‘ll get the pdf. Btw, the books you got me through Book Depository for the poetry swap have not arrived. I think we can safely assume they‘re lost..it has been what, 4,5 months? Please insist for a refund from them. 6y
Blaire @LeahBergen love this! I‘m sure it is a nod to her sister. I thought it was odd when Mrs. Pryor made that offer and how much she seemed to love Caroline but did not suspect anything. @merelybookish @saresmoore @leahbergen 6y
Blaire @erzascarletbookgasm I found a kindle edition of all the bronte works for .99 6y
merelybookish @saresmoore I have also had the other experience where I pick up on this more when I listen. I would probably not listen to a mystery on audio because I clue into 'odd' or 'random' info more when I'm having to listen at their pace and not read at my own. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @Blaire thanks for the heads up, I don‘t own a kindle unfortunately. I‘m reading the pdf version now. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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"My life in this house was sedentary, solitary, constrained, joyless, toilsome." I sense that a lot of Charlotte's feelings about the social and economic position of governesses was poured into this passage. This is an interesting read: https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/charlotte-brontes-teaching-career

#shirlitesunite @merelybookish @andrew61 @Blaire @erzascarletbookgasm @LeahBergen @mklong @saresmoore @rubyslippersreads @Weaponxgirl

mklong Oh, interesting. Thanks! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for sharing the article. Seems that she hated being a governess..‘wretched bondage‘ she called it in her journal. 😢 6y
Cathythoughts All you Shirley girls ( & guys ) are flying it 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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batsy @mklong No problem! 6y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Yes, it's sad :( There's the romanticised aspect of being a governess and then there's the reality. 6y
batsy @Cathythoughts 😁 It's proving to be an interesting read 👍🏽 6y
Tanisha_A Will read the article in a bit. Just peeked, that portrait at the beginning is beautiful! 😍 6y
merelybookish Thanks! I will check out. I remember learning at some point about how both she and Anne suffered as governesses. A "genteel" position that exploited so many educated, poor unmarried women. 6y
batsy @Tanisha_A Yes, by Branwell... Something quite haunting about it, too. 6y
batsy @merelybookish Yup, that's exactly it. Agnes Grey was so unflinching about it, too. 6y
LeahBergen Oh, this article is excerpted from a book I have on my shelf 6y
LeahBergen All of the crappy bits in Agnes Grey are pretty autobiographical. Poor Anne. 😳 6y
batsy @LeahBergen Yes, I can't wait to read that! And so true; reading Agnes Grey made that pain so real. 6y
Bklover Fascinating article! 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Question Shirlites: Is Shirley also in love with Robert Moore? Or are we seeing it through Caroline's eyes? And follow-up question...do we like Robert? 🤔

BBC Radio 4 did an adaptation of Shirley back in 2014. Not sure if it's still available. The voice actors are shown above. Look at the eyes on Robert! 😀
@blaire @batsy @andrew61 @saresmoore @LeahBergen @mklong @Weaponxgirl @rubyslippersreads @erzascarletbookgasm

LeahBergen Hmm... I‘ve been pondering this very question. I sometimes think Shirley likes him, too, but then I waffle back the other way. 🤔 As to my opinion on Robert ... my jury is still out. 😆😆 6y
LeahBergen I AM very invested in the story now (compared to the first quarter of the book where I was feeling a bit “meh”). 6y
batsy @LeahBergen I agree! I like how the narrative makes it hard for the reader to decide what Shirley feels about Robert, or if we're being influenced by Caroline... I'm not so fond of Robert myself, at the moment 😆 6y
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saresmoore @batsy @LeahBergen I‘m just here to echo both of your sentiments. It certainly doesn‘t seem that Robert is trying to be likable. And for that matter, it doesn‘t seem that Shirley is trying to be forthcoming, either. 6y
merelybookish @LeahBergen @batsy @saresmoore I assume Shirley knows Caroline is in love with RM. And there might also be a class barrier. But at the picnic she seemed.pretty into him. And over Robert does seem like a jerk. Shirley does tell Caroline that he's only in love with his purse and that seems accurate. 6y
andrew61 I've not read any since Wednesday so may not be as far on as everyone else. so far i have the impression that Shirley is aware that caroline likes Robert and seems to encourage that. The scene where caroline sees them together but cannot hear their discussion about his tenancy and misinterprets doesn't suggest Shirley as interested in R. And the last bit i read was R hiding from mr Helstone in the churchyard. Will try and push on. 6y
Blaire Like @andrew61 I didn‘t read much this week so am just getting into this part of the plot. My current sense as @LeahBergen @batsy @merelybookish and @saresmoore have noted is that Shirley is aware of Caroline‘s feelings, and I think Caroline reads into everything Moore does so it is hard to tell. I feel mixed about him. So far don‘t appreciate his attitude or how he kind of flip flops in how he treats Caroline. Not sure on Shirley‘s feelings. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Count me in! 😆😆

They sure don‘t title chapters like they used to, do they?


batsy Right? ? I also liked a previous one: "Shirley Seeks to be Saved by Works". #metooShirley 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I wish I‘m reading a physical copy, I‘m missing all these! 6y
saresmoore The chapter titles really are exceptional. @batsy #storyofmylife 6y
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merelybookish I loved this! And really, feel a little squee inside every time I'm addressed as Reader. 6y
merelybookish I'm now on "To-morrow" which is a little less inspired. ? 6y
Blaire Love this!! @merelybookish yes, I love being directly spoken to. For some reason the modern equivalent I think of is Zach in saved by the bell stepping out to talk to the audience. 😂 6y
Mitch Loving the bookmark.... I‘ll be there on Monday! 6y
LeahBergen @Mitch You lucky duck!! 🦆 6y
Reviewsbylola Love that! 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Well, thank goodness I don‘t live in the Brontes‘ time...I certainly wouldn‘t be clever! 🙄


zsuzsanna_reads My pie crusts are rubbish. 6y
batsy Hmmph 😤 I'd stick that needle somewhere else! 6y
Blaire 😑 my needle skills would be certainly be found lacking. 6y
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LeahBergen #UncleverWoman right here. 🙋🏻‍♀️ 6y
merelybookish I'm happy being unclever if I never have to sew a thing! 6y
Emilymdxn So who‘s gonna make the pie filling?? 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Valentine's Day wouldn't be the same without some dark, brooding Brontë-esque musings on love 😉💞 #loveisreal #themostreal #themostlasting #loveisbitter #itisstrong #strongasdeath

Courtesy of my current buddy read #shirlitesunite

@merelybookish @andrew61 @Blaire @erzascarletbookgasm @LeahBergen @mklong @saresmoore @rubyslippersreads @Weaponxgirl

LauraBeth I love that last sentence! 😂❤️ 6y
merelybookish The old maids are killing it in this book! ?? And, if they don't already exist, there need to be Bronte-themed valentines! "May the sting of my love torture you forever!" ? 6y
Tanisha_A Bahahah! Soo good 6y
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batsy @LauraBeth 😁 This whole chapter focuses on Mrs Pryor, who utters that line, and her thoughts and opinions are 🔥 6y
batsy @merelybookish Oh, perfect!! Those are the only Valentines I'd send 😂 6y
batsy @Tanisha_A So delicious 😆 6y
LauraBeth @merelybookish “Bronte-themed Valentine‘s”!! 😂😂 Sign me up for that! 🙋‍♀️ 6y
saresmoore 👏♥️💔 6y
RohitSawant What @LauraBeth said! 🤣 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Ooo, can‘t wait to meet this Mrs Pryor! 6y
batsy @rohit-sawant 😂 6y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm She's most intriguing! 6y
Blaire @laurabeth yes! Someecards should do a line of them. 6y
LeahBergen That ain‘t no Disney love right there. 😆😆😆 6y
batsy @Blaire @LeahBergen So good! And the anti-Disney antidote that we occasionally need 😁 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Well, this is interesting... here‘s Charlotte using this phrase again.

Have any of you watched this most recent biopic? I thought it was very well done.


@merelybookish @saresmoore @batsy @andrew61 @Blaire @mklong @Weaponxgirl @erzascarletbookgasm @rubyslippersreads (am I missing anyone?)

rubyslippersreads I really enjoyed it. 6y
merelybookish I haven't seen it but that is a great line. I can see why she re-used it! 6y
saresmoore I loved it! I was on a dreary audiowalk when I heard this line and I imagine I looked a bit silly to the neighbors as I had a bit of a giddy moment. 6y
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Kimberlone I enjoyed it. Made me appreciate better the obstacles they had to overcome to get their books published and eventually receive credit for what they wrote. 6y
batsy I can't wait to watch it. And I do love that line, as well! 6y
wordslinger42 I've been meaning to watch this!! I love the Bronte sisters 💜 6y
Daisey I thought it was great! I really need to read more books by the Brontes. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for sharing these interesting information. I haven‘t come to that part yet. 6y
mrp27 I watched and enjoyed. 6y
Emilymdxn I loved the biopic! 6y
LauraBeth I somehow missed this biopic! 🙀 Thanks for posting about it! 6y
RohitSawant Really looking forward to it! 🙌🏽 6y
LeahBergen @merelybookish @batsy @wordslinger42 @LauraBeth @rohit-sawant It‘s definitely worth a watch. 👍🏻 6y
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads @Kimberlone @Daisey @mrp27 @Emilymdxn I was a bit unsure of the casting at first but came to love who they chose to portray the Brontes. 👍🏻 6y
LeahBergen @erzascarletbookgasm I‘m trying to not be too “spoilerish” in my posts as we‘re all at different parts of the book. 😆 6y
andrew61 I really liked it, loved Emily hitting branwell and the trip to the publishers. Really well done. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Next year is 200th anniversary of peterloo when red coats charged and killed men and women protesting in a field in the centre of Manchester. I wonder if this image had any influence on these extracts when moore contemplates the use of troops to control his protesting workers. I also have just read the lovely mermaid paragraph
@Blaire @erzascarletbookgasm @LeahBergen @merelybookish @mklong @batsy @Weaponxgirl @saresmoore

saresmoore I‘d imagine you‘re right in making that connection. Reading this is making me wish I knew more about the history. 6y
andrew61 @saresmoore i missed seeing the Mike leigh film last year but i heard plenty of interviews with him so will try and catch it on dvd. Yes its a period i know little about beyond the French revolution and napoleon but again from the little i know that must have cast a huge shadow on all the ruling classes in the 19th c. Very glad I'm reading it now. 6y
LeahBergen I bet it did! 6y
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batsy That's interesting indeed! Thanks for pointing out the connection; going to look it up. And if there's a Mike Leigh film on it, all the better 😍 6y
merelybookish Interesting! As much as I prefer to read about Shirley, Caroline and mermaids, you can feel the book is tackling a complicated historical moment, and that the Napoleonic wars were having a dire effect on the home front. 6y
Blaire @saresmoore I agree. I feel very rusty outside the basics of this time period. She is certainly tackling complex issues and I feel there is a lot more going on related to that historical moment than I am able to grasp. Thanks for noting this connection @andrew61 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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So I don‘t think I‘m going to get round to reading this for #shirlitesunite unfortunately. I‘m such a mood reader and I‘m not feeling my namesake this month.
That being said please still all tag me in your posts about this as I‘m loving seeing what old style me was up to!

LeahBergen “Old style you”. 😆😆 6y
Weaponxgirl @LeahBergen was the best I could come up with 😂 6y
ephemeralwaltz I felt the same way! Life just gets in the way and I couldn't commit to such a demanding read. 6y
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ephemeralwaltz We do have to do a McCullers buddy read in the near future, though 😘 6y
Weaponxgirl @ephemeralwaltz yea, I got ill this month and I‘ve made myself not read as quickly so I don‘t burn out this year. Yes on the Carson! She is such a great writer and I always need a push to read books that aren‘t new releases! 6y
ephemeralwaltz Good for you, take care of yourself and take your time! 6y
Weaponxgirl @ephemeralwaltz which book were we going to go for? Anytime from March onwards I will get my hands on a title and let‘s do it! I‘ve been finding fiction hard recently and she would be a great author to get back into it with again 6y
ephemeralwaltz @Weaponxgirl the member of the wedding? 👏👏😋 6y
Weaponxgirl @ephemeralwaltz thought it was that one but just thought I‘d check 😁 I‘ll let you know when I‘ve found a copy! 6y
Weaponxgirl @ephemeralwaltz I‘ve reserved from my library, fancy giving it a go next month? 6y
ephemeralwaltz Definitely! I'll probably order a used copy online so I'll let you know when I get my copy 😍 this is going to be fun! 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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"Tartar was a rather large, strong, and fierce-looking dog, very ugly, being of a breed between mastiff and bull-dog, who at this moment entered through the glass-door, and posting directly to the rug, snuffed the fresh flowers scattered there."

As @merelybookish pointed out that Shirley is based on Emily & Anne, I assume Tartar is based on Emily's beloved dog, Keeper. The dog is sketched out briefly but with so much character. #shirlitesunite

LeahBergen Keeper!! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Ms_T ❤️ 6y
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RohitSawant 💕🐾 6y
Suet624 I just fell in love with the dog in the photo. 6y
batsy @Suet624 Me too. It's Emily's illustration of her Keeper ❤️ 6y
Suet624 Gosh. It‘s just gone right to my heart. Beautiful. 6y
merelybookish So weird. I missed the original tag. What a great picture!! Also Caroline is supposed to be based on Anne. Shirley on Emily. According to the intro to the Penguin copy. 6y
batsy @merelybookish I've been saving the intro for the end, but I think I want to delve into it right now :) 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Ha, yes. This certified old maid confirms that we're selfish, and happy about it 😉 💅🏽💁🏾‍♀️ #shirlitesunite

Kayla.Adriena Yessssss!!!! I took the longest shower today and used all my new Lush products that i ordered for myself for my 30th. No regrets 😊 6y
LeahBergen I just finished reading this section! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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batsy @Kayla.Adriena Perfect 💕 6y
batsy @LeahBergen Yay! Nice that we're on the same page, so to speak 😁 6y
merelybookish Ditto @saresmoore! I really liked this chapter on Old Maids! 6y
Tanisha_A Ha! Perfect! 👌 6y
batsy @merelybookish Me too! I'm loving the intense conversations between Caroline and Shirley! I love that thinking and feeling matters so much to them. 6y
Daisey I so wish I had time to read this one with you all. I‘m really enjoying the posts! 6y
batsy @Daisey Litsy buddy reads are the best, aren't they ❤️ Hope you enjoy this one if you read it. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Oh, Charlotte, you gorgeous, brilliant word sorceress! I loved this imagining by Shirley of seeing a mermaid.

“Temptress-terror! monstrous likeness of ourselves! Are you not glad, Caroline, when at last, and with a wild shriek, she dives?”


LeahBergen 😍😍😍 6y
andrew61 Great quote ☺ 6y
Blaire Beautiful quote. I‘m loving all the distinctions she draws between how men and women are supposed to react. 6y
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batsy Oh wow! This is the chapter that awaits me today :) 6y
saresmoore @batsy There‘s another upcoming scene that had me cheering out loud for its overt feminism—and on the most male-dominated subject of all, interpretation of religious text! This book has really ramped up for me. 6y
merelybookish I love this! Shirley is proving such a great character! 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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#shirlitesunite Well i have now found Shirley and an interesting chapter about her and caroline. But i wondered reading this earlier part about the Yorke children how detailed the description was and whether the characteristics bore any resemblance to the Brontes particularly the pic of Matthew around whom everyone treads carefully (branwell?) and this extract about jessy and rose, is there a hint of charlotte and her sisters? Any thoughts.

Blaire No theories but I also noted the specificity of the descriptions. 6y
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Shirley | Charlotte Bront
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Time for an #audioproject—giving a much-needed refresh to our well-loved dining table. This table was originally purchased by my great-great-aunt, Martha. It‘s been through a lot, but I love it.

TheSpineView If you need more projects you are welcome at my house! 🤣 6y
Nute I love that light fixture! 6y
LeahBergen What a beautiful table! 😍😍 6y
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