God those oddly specific Facebook ads were right on the mark. This book combines my 3 favorite things. Coffee, books and tattoos. I absolutely loved it. Read it in 4 hours straight 10/10
God those oddly specific Facebook ads were right on the mark. This book combines my 3 favorite things. Coffee, books and tattoos. I absolutely loved it. Read it in 4 hours straight 10/10
Books and tattoos = ink.
A perfect mix for those who love reading.
A light book to read on a sunny day.
With many t-shirts with nice phrases 😂
It‘s fun to throw in a little romance once in a while – and if it‘s sweet, and it takes place in a bookstore, well…
Available now. I know what my next listen will be. 📚🐉
The main character inherits a bookstore. She returns to her home town, decides to stay and reopen the store.
The romance is slow, which is nice. I'm really enjoying bookstore setting and all this talks about books!
#currentlyreading #elizabethhunter
When the characters in your book like the same books you do ♡
I don't read a lot of contemporary romance, but I do read a lot of Elizabeth Hunter, so I read this one right away.
I enjoyed this book. It's a fun, sweet romance. My only complaint is the complaint I have with every contemporary romance; the conflict always comes from characters not communicating. I think that's more of a pet peeve thing than a real problem.
I definitely recommend it and want more books with all the great side characters!