Chick lit meets amateur detective meets European travelogue. In normal times I'd probably have been irritated by this book, but at the moment, as a decently written romp, it is entertaining, even if it is ridiculous.
Chick lit meets amateur detective meets European travelogue. In normal times I'd probably have been irritated by this book, but at the moment, as a decently written romp, it is entertaining, even if it is ridiculous.
This has been in my NetGalley queue for months-one of those read now buttons I pushed and almost immediately regretted. I finally took 4 1/2 hours to read it today and I want those hours of my life back. The plot is silly, contrived, and predictable in the worst way. I was constantly rolling my eyes at the stupidity of the main characters. The best thing about this book is that it‘s over and off my NetGalley queue. 🙄
I‘ve given up on Anne and Henry, I just can‘t get into it. So I‘m starting this since it comes out next week and I need to get the review on the blog before then.