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Off Pitch
Off Pitch | Brianna Kienitz
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Soccer star Adeline Fahey has never taken an interest in the world outside of the pitch. The daughter of wealthy Irish immigrants, and a straight-A student, she sees nothing but the goal--finish her last two years of school and join a professional soccer team--no ifs, ands, or buts. Then Gabriella Soto, a cello prodigy in her own right and the teaching assistant in Adeline's dreaded Beginning Spanish class, walks onto her playing field. After a drunken night in a T-rex costume boots their hearts onto a collision course, Adeline and Gabriella must tackle a field of school scandal, homophobic parents, and their own passionate career goals to have a shot at something more. In the face of so many obstacles, Adeline and Gabriella fear that their love may not be strong enough to score them the championship relationship they never knew they wanted.
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Off Pitch | Brianna Kienitz
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I just threw this book across the room. It has broken me. The protagonist is a whiny, arrogant, selfish, ass. I don't know why anyone would ever date her or be her friend. The writing is juvenile and the plot is barely strung together set pieces of the main character reacting in overwrought ways. There's so much where the author researched some but not quite enough about topics I happen to know quite a bit about. I can't do it anymore. Nope. Done.