Emily Webb is a geek.And she�s happy that way. Content hidingunder hoodies and curling up to watch oldhorror flicks, she�s never been the kind of girlwho sneaks out for midnight parties. Andshe�s definitely not the kind of girl who startsfights or flirts with other girls� boyfriends.Until one night Emily finds herself doingexactly that . . . the same night one of herclassmates�also named Emily�is foundmysteriously murdered. The thing is, Emily doesn�t know whyshe�s doing any of this. By day, she�s the sameold boring Emily, but by night, she turnsinto a thrill seeker. With every nightfall,Emily gets wilder until it�s no longer just herpersonality that changes. Her body can dothings it never could before: Emily is nowstrong, fast, and utterly fearless. And soonEmily realizes that she�s not just comingout of her shell . . . there�s something muchbigger going on. Is she bewitched by the soulof the other, murdered Emily? Or is EmilyWebb becoming something else entirely�something not human? As Emily hunts for answers, she finds outthat she�s not the only one this is happeningto�some of her classmates are changingas well. Who is turning these teens intomonsters�and how many people will theykill to get what they want?
(less)Emily Webb is a geek.And she�s happy that way. Content hidingunder hoodies and curling up to watch oldhorror flicks, she�s never been the kind of girlwho sneaks out for midnight parties. Andshe�s definitely not the kind of girl who