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Getting Comfy: Your Morning Guide to Daily Happiness | Jordan Gross
1 post
Want to start getting a little bit better every single day, right when you wake up? Get COMFY in the morning! Get COMFY in your own skin! Get COMFY with the rest of your life! In a society based on constant external pressure to succeed, Getting COMFY is an internal method that thwarts this pressure right when you wake up. It is a 5-step voyage that soothes the mind and energizes the body as you approach the rest of the day. We may have un-COMFY feelings with our bodies, our jobs, or our schoolwork. This has happened to me too. But the way we respond to these situations is what we can control, what ultimately leads us to the people we strive to be, and what leads us to Getting COMFY! Getting COMFY will: *Provide a variety of stories to grab your attention *Delve deep into my life and the lives of a few others to share how we have been impacted by the Getting COMFY mindset *Be short and to the point so you're not intimidated by a 300-page novel *Offer lists and examples of ideas and recommendations to implement into your routines, starting now *Create challenges for you to attempt and share with friends Getting COMFY is all about you. So get up, get ready, and Get COMFY!