This book started me off into the fantastic world of the Eternal Guardians! Loved it and all the books that have come after!!! This is a great series! #OSRBC #romansty
ParagraphsandPetticoats @steamy55 - a favourite series! 8y
[DELETED] 3311339426 Awesome gf 8y
ParagraphsandPetticoats Just thinking about this series is making me want to reread it! They all have "gifts" and soulmates er.. cursed soulmates.. ooh its soo good! 8y
See All 22 Comments
[DELETED] 3311339426 I'm a sucker for soulmate and happy romantic endings 8y
ParagraphsandPetticoats Me too!! 8y
[DELETED] 3311339426 Doesn't hurt either if he's over six ft and muscular and prince charming 8y
ParagraphsandPetticoats Demetrius from Tempted(book 3) and Gryphon from Enslaved (book 5) are awesome! 8y
[DELETED] 3311339426 Really. What makes them awesome 8y
ParagraphsandPetticoats Demetrius is torn between what he wants and what he thinks he shouldn't have... this book had lots of angst. . and Gryphon... I just liked him since I first met him in the series... just the way he is. 8y
[DELETED] 3311339426 He sounds like he's in control 8y
ParagraphsandPetticoats Let me know what you think when you read them :) 8y
[DELETED] 3311339426 Will do. You're trying to fully convert me to romance novels 8y
ParagraphsandPetticoats Have I not succeeded already?? You can read other stuff in your spare time... lol if you have any that is ;) 8y
[DELETED] 3311339426 You definitely succeeded. It doesn't hurt that I'm probably more gay than bi so picturing myself as the women won't be hard. I'll be buying and reading giggling 8y
ParagraphsandPetticoats Excellent!! 8y
[DELETED] 3311339426 Guess I joined the feminine side 8y
ParagraphsandPetticoats @steamy55 - Welcome... :) 8y
[DELETED] 3311339426 Thank you. They should make novels into movies 8y
ParagraphsandPetticoats There are a few happing! One of the Shalvis one's is becoming a movie :) 8y
[DELETED] 3311339426 Ooo. Who would be the studmuffin 8y
ParagraphsandPetticoats I don't know.. but I believe it was the book " the trouble with Mistletoe" .. 8y
[DELETED] 3311339426 Sounds enticing 8y