THE MISSION LEAGUE--MISSION 2: OKINAWA After an exhausting school year, Spencer is thrilled to discover that the summer training mission will take him and his fellow agents-in-training to Okinawa, a tropical paradise. But there's little time for R & R as Spencer must attend school, volunteer at a local martial arts training facility, and track and report a mysterious girl named Keiko. Spencer thinks he knows exactly what to do, but the more he discovers about Keiko, the more questions he has. All he really wants to do is protect Keiko from her ex-boyfriend and stay out of trouble, but where Spencer Garmond is concerned, trouble is never far away. JILL WILLIAMSON is a chocolate loving, daydreaming, creator of kingdoms and the award-winning author of several young adult books including the Blood of Kings trilogy, "Replication, " the Mission League series, and the Safe Lands series. She lives in Oregon with her husband, two children, and a whole lot of deer. Visit her online at, where adventure comes to life.
(less)THE MISSION LEAGUE--MISSION 2: OKINAWA After an exhausting school year, Spencer is thrilled to discover that the summer training mission will take him and his fellow agents-in-training to Okinawa, a tropical paradise. But there's little