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Fat Girl, Skinny
Fat Girl, Skinny | Amye Archer
4 posts | 2 read | 2 to read
After her husband leaves her for a skinnier, blonder, younger, (better?) woman, Amye Archer is forced to confront the food addiction that has been holding her back for most of her life and has left her weighing two hundred and sixty-five pounds. With the help of the gang of girls of Weight Watchers, and their fearless leader -former fatty and community college dropout-Pantsuit Pam, Amye spends the next year losing weight and learning to live in a skinny (er) woman's body. Only being skinny is not as easy as it looks, especially when inside, she will always be a fat girl. Fat Girl, Skinny is Amye's story, but it's also the story of anyone who has ever been told: "You'd be pretty...if."
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Fat Girl, Skinny | Amye Archer

As someone who has struggled for quite some time with weight gain and body hate, I couldn't help picking up this book after hearing Amye read the prologue. It was so hilarious and spot on. But this is more than a weight loss book. It's about realizing you truly deserve the things you've always yearned for, and you can have them if you push yourself.

Fat Girl, Skinny | Amye Archer
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Finished both the Bill Bryson and my Girls Write Now anthology tonight. I finally get to start in on the spoils of my conference weekend. Yessss!!!

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Fat Girl, Skinny | Amye Archer
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I'm at Hippocamp, a creative nonfiction writing conference in Lancaster, PA. There were readings last night, which were phenomenal. After which, of course, I had to hit up the book table. My haul: Amye Archer's Fat Girl, Skinny, which sounds hilarious as hell; Ilana Gordon's Why Do Only White People Get Abducted by Aliens, which was also LOL funny; Laurie Cannady's Crave, which was so powerful I couldn't breathe; and Sarah Einstein's Mot.

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Fat Girl, Skinny | Amye Archer
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Ironic lunchtime reading. Being a good girl and sticking to my salad today!

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