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🥾 Tagged. Also anything set on the Appalachian Trail
🥾Thunderstorms and traveling alone
🥾No, it‘s just not my thing. I‘d rather be reading or playing outside
🥾Bloodbuzz Ohio by The National

@4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads


alisiakae Have you done a thru-hike on the AT? 4y
Hoopiefoot Not yet! 4y
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So happy it‘s Sunday morning porch reading season again.

Slajaunie Looks relaxing! 4y
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Dragon Hoops | Gene Luen Yang
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🌼It‘s a nickname based on fun adventures that I love get myself (& my feet) into
🌼 Archivist
🌼 Working, Netflix, lots of walks, lots of bubble baths, some puzzles & reading
🌼 Tagged. I LOVE it so far! 🏀
🌼 I‘ve been finding that what helps one day might not help on the next. I‘m trying to be flexible and gentle with myself.


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I pretend that I read these books so I can make sure they‘re ok for my nieces and nephew but I think we all know that I read them because they‘re funny and smart and adorable. 🦄

LiteraryinLawrence They are soooo cute. I only read the first couple. Thanks for the reminder that I should get back into them! 4y
Hoopiefoot @LiteraryinLititz I was delighted to find this on Hoopla this week! 4y
Prairiegirl_reading I don‘t even pretend they are for anyone else! 🤣 4y
UwannaPublishme 😁👍🏻 4y
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Thunderstorms knocked out our power about 6 hours ago. What‘s a gal to do but read a somewhat-work-related-book by headlamp?

DaveGreen7777 Hope you get your electricity back soon! 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds like a great reading day...thank goodness it‘s daylight and not to hot/or cold. We had a bunch of trees down here overnight too, so I‘m considering myself lucky. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Spoke too soon... my power went out at about 7 last night and just now came back on (hopefully it stays on). I hope yours is back on now too. (edited) 4y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Plus, I think I need to invest in a headlamp now.... 4y
Hoopiefoot @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Oh no! I‘m glad you have power again & hope you didn‘t lose much food in the fridge/freezer! We were out for about 8 hours yesterday. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Hoopiefoot We kept them closed to keep the cold air in, and so far, I think everything eeked through....we were lucky in that regard that it was a cold and overcast day today...so cold in the house too. We ordered out and picked up warm food for lunch and otherwise snuggled under the covers, went to bed early last night and read/napped today. 4y
Hoopiefoot @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Inconveniences aside, that sounds like a pretty nice evening 🙂 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Hoopiefoot Funny, that‘s what I thought when you posted your post...quiet reading, at least it‘s spring and not freezing winter or humid summer. I think I was too cavalier and jinxed myself. It was definitely cold in my house today, hence the snuggling in the beds to read. 😂. But yes, over all I was fine and enjoyed my reading time.... my mom missed her TV though, and my nephew with no games...you‘d have thought it was a historic tragedy.😂 4y
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Just noticed that my shoes match my book. Also, this book is amazing.

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The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Cookery | Eliot Wigginton, Linda Garland Page
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Made lemon sponge pie from this book today. Had some issues with the crust but it still smells divine.

Bookwormjillk Yummy 😋 4y
Nute I like anything lemony!🍋😋 4y
Hoopiefoot @Nute Me too! This is soooooo good 🍋 4y
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Browseabout Books | Rehoboth Beach, DE (Bookstore)
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Broke my 2020 book buying ban to support my local indie ❤️

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I‘ve repurposed the tray I never use for reading in the tub as my standing desk/jellybean holder. I‘m very proud of this life hack.

Crazeedi I have a similar one, great idea 4y
Moray_Reads genius! 4y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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I‘ve been reading this since the end of November. I can‘t believe I finally finished it! I absolutely loved it and miss it already.

JamieArc Congratulations on finishing! 4y
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Apparently the only thing I can read right now is a quietly calm book about being a shepherd in the Lake District, and I‘m 100% ok with that.

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Playing House | Ruby Lang
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I had no idea that urban planning/historic preservation romance novels were a thing, but I‘m 1000% here for them! This was so sweet.

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Mondays are Murder | Tanya Landman
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1. Novelist with a pen name. I don‘t like the limelight so I think it would be easier to hide from people!
2. Library
3. Dedication
4. Burn....but hopefully just in a survival situation where the fire will help keep me alive!

#manicmonday @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for playing 💕 4y
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This books is cute but I‘ve lost all of my reading mojo. Giving up on #stayathome24in48 after about 16 hours of reading this weekend. I still love reading and I gave it the old college try....there‘s just too much going on for me to focus right now.

Bookzombie I think 16 hours is awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Joanne1 Reading is really hard right now isn‘t it. You‘ve done an amazing job!! 4y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Wardrobe for Readathon Day 2 #stayhome24in48

LeafingThroughLife Love it! And so well color-coordinated! 😁 4y
MatchlessMarie I need those socks lol 4y
Bookzombie I have and love this t-shirt! 🦖 4y
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TheBookStacker I almost got that shirt today!!! 4y
PathfinderNicole Oh man I need that shirt!! 4y
readordierachel 😍👏🏼 4y
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Here goes nothing! I‘m mostly posting on Instagram this weekend. I‘m @Hoopiefoot there too. #stayathome24in48

Reviewsbylola Good luck! 4y
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Trying to spend some time with Mary Oliver every day. She helps me stay sane in these crazy times.

Little Weirds | Jenny Slate
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The perfect antidote for these crazy times. Quirky, funny, tender, and calming. I usually listen to audiobooks on 1.5x speed but I‘ve slowed down this one and find it very relaxing.

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The Women of the Copper Country | Mary Doria Russell
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Porch reading in my Snuggie. I really needed some fresh air.

SilversReviews This was good. 4y
AmyK1 This one was really good! 4y
JamieArc I‘m really looking forward to this one, especially having lived in that area before! 4y
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Hoopiefoot @SilversReviews @AmyK1 @JamieArc I‘m not usually a fan of historical fiction but this is SO GOOD. 4y
SilversReviews @Hoopiefoot I am glad you are enjoying it. 4y
Tamra I really want to read this! 4y
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Real Life: A Novel | Brandon Taylor
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Post-work porch reading on a beautiful afternoon. I can‘t wait to get my rocking chairs back out.

britt_brooke I‘ve heard good things about this one. Hope you enjoy! 4y
Hoopiefoot @britt_brooke It‘s really good so far 4y
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Celebrating International Women‘s Day by learning more about Mary Ann Shadd Cary. Born in Wilmington, DE to free black parents in 1823, she was an educator, the 1st African American woman to publish and edit a newspaper in North America, a lawyer, and much more. I learned about her while researching a work project and now I‘m completely fascinated by her life.

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The Grace Year | Kim Liggett
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I see what the hype is about now! Not getting anything done today until I finish this.

TEArificbooks I am reading this one too. 4y
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Rust Belt Femme | Raechel Anne Jolie
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1. Sometimes. I request a lot of books from the library without ever seeing the cover. It‘s always a fun surprise to see what they look like when I pick up the holds!
2. I just finished the galley and immediately the book. I loved it so much.
3. NPR, NY Times, Washington Post
4. Snooze unless I‘m awake before the alarm goes off.


@4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads

Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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Admiring the beautiful weather from my comfy couch nest. Still plugging away at this book. It‘s a slow read but I‘m really enjoying it.

UwannaPublishme How‘s your foot? Hope you‘re feeling better! ❤️ 4y
Hoopiefoot @UwannaPublishme Aww-thanks! It‘s slowly getting better. A few more weeks in the boot = a few more weeks of getting extra reading time in! 4y
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I read this 10 years ago and it was a delightfully immersive reading experience. It‘s equally as immersive and delightful on audio now, although this experience is heavier knowing that Bourdain is no longer in this world.

AvidReader25 I loved this too. I think it would be hard to reread it now. 4y
Hoopiefoot @AvidReader25 I‘m trying really hard to focus on the book and not let my mind wander, but yeah...it‘s not an easy listen. 4y
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Upright Women Wanted | Sarah Gailey
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Anyone else doing the #greatbackyardbirdcount this weekend? I‘ve got my book, my binos, and a never ending cup of tea at the ready.

j.rye I see the Smiley! You really are from Southwest PA! 4y
Hoopiefoot @j.rye For sure! Grew up near Avella outside of Washington 4y
j.rye @Hoopiefoot buffalo village here!! Right off 844. What a coincidence! 4y
Hoopiefoot @j.rye Small world! 4y
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Browseabout Books | Rehoboth Beach, DE (Bookstore)
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Books + Bikes = ❤️

If there‘s anything I love more than books it‘s bikes. Fortunately for me, my local indie bookstore decorates a bike for every season.

The Mercies | Kiran Millwood Hargrave
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Very excited about today‘s library haul!

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If I can‘t run, at least I can read about running.

Bookwormjillk Ugh hang in there 4y
Lindy Get healed soon. 🍀 4y
Nute Hmm...leave it to a reading experience to help you feel better!🙂Get well soon!💕 4y
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Fascinating and enraging Saturday morning read.

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Sunday morning read.

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I am not a great library patron. Usually I just pick up my holds and then I leave right away. Tonight I returned my books and then wandered the stacks. It was such a relaxing way to wind down from a crazy week—ai need to do this more often!

Nute I should try this! It does seem like a relaxing thing to do.🙂 4y
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The Hand on the Wall | Maureen Johnson
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On my way to work, pretending I‘m actually driving to Ellingham Academy

Ninth House | Leigh Bardugo
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Afternoon reading. I have no idea where this book is going but I like it so far. I love when authors drop you into a story and you have to figure out what‘s going on.

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I may have had to cancel my weekend plans because I have the plague, but at least I have new library books to keep me company.

Crazeedi Take care of yourself and get well soon!🥰 5y
charl08 Get well soon! Quite like a woman is intriguing me... 5y
charl08 Argh! Quit. Not quite. 5y
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TheLibrarian Hope you feel better soon! 5y
readordierachel Great selection. Feel better! 5y
Jas16 You have some really great reads there. Hope they help you to feel better soon! 5y
la_rose_noire Just ordered Such a Fun Age as well. Can't wait for it to be delivered. Get well soon! 5y
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It‘s hard to be motivated to head into work on a Monday morning but this book is making my commute quite entertaining!

This is also my first Libro.fm book. Does anyone else use it instead of Audible? I‘m trying it out.

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I‘ve decided I‘m not allowed to buy any more books until I read all of these first. I also have a giant stack of holds from the library. Although I‘ll miss the rush of buying new books for a few months, I don‘t think I‘ll have any trouble finding something to read.

NerdyRev These Truths is incredible. On Earth We‘re... was a surprise how much I enjoyed it, but also never want to read it again. Enjoy them! 5y
Hoopiefoot Thanks! I‘m really looking forward to slowing down and delving in! 5y
Nute So many good books in that stack! 4y
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Unfollow | Megan Phelps-Roper
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Starting off 2020 in my little reading nook. I‘ve always heard that anything you do on New Year‘s Day, you‘ll do all year long. So I‘m reading and ignoring my other household duties today 🥳

Mccall0113 My husband bought me this book for Christmas ! 5y
Lindy My day: reading and cooking for a potluck with friends this afternoon. A fine template for the days ahead. 👍 5y
Reviewsbylola I‘ll be cleaning and reading. May as well accept that cleaning is something I‘ll be doing all year long. 🤣🤣 5y
CoffeeK8 That‘s my dad‘s theory. He also jingles money all day to bring money in the new year. 5y
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My goal was to read 165 this year. Happy to meet it, but I‘m even happier to have another great year of reading!

ljuliel Great job 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5y
Reggie Way to go!!!🥳 5y
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Working from home today. I usually don‘t have any trouble staying focused working in my office (the kitchen) but today might be hard. So many new books are calling to me!!

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These are the books I‘m giving to my nieces & nephew for their Dec. birthdays and Christmas. True confession: I‘m reading/rereading them all before I wrap them up. I say it‘s to make sure the content is ok (their parents are pretty strict) but really it‘s because I love kid lit & want to be able to talk about the books with them!

Book Love | Debbie Tung
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This book is so charming. And I‘m so grateful for @Litsy —it feels like the social media equivalent of this book ❤️

Crazeedi 😍😍😍 5y
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Not my favorite style of beer but I love the name!

Laura317 That is a great name. 5y
phatsallylee Love the name and i would totally drink that beer 5y
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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The fact that it‘s Saturday and I have no other plans, the fact that I‘m nervous about reading this, the fact that I‘m 25 pages in and loving it so far...

The Yellow House | Sarah M. Broom
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Getting a late start on Non-Fiction November, but better late than never!

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Cantoras: A Novel | Carolina De Robertis
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Early morning quiet reading time with this beautiful book.

The Secret History | Donna Tartt
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I might never go outside again.

Tamra Love your rug! 5y
JaneyWaneyB Don't it's too people-ly out there 😂 5y
JacqMac I was outside yesterday. It‘s awful. lol 5y
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SoManyBooksNotEnoughTime i feel the same way, nothing good going on out there, would way rather be inside with my books, tea, tv, & pup 5y
Hoopiefoot @Tamra Thanks! I do too 😊 5y
Hoopiefoot @SoManyBooksNotEnoughTime @JaneyWaneyB @JacqMac I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who feels this way! 5y
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The Secret History | Donna Tartt
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Weekend reread in honor of my college Classics professor who recently passed away. She was brilliant and wacky and passionate and unforgettable. 💔

Pruzy That‘s the dream to have had a prof like that. 5y
Reviewsbylola ♥️♥️♥️ I have a few English professors that made a lasting impact on me too. 5y
Nute Some people never get to know the impact that they have on others. I love how you are honoring your English Professor.💕 4y
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Moby Dick: bl velryba | Melville Herman
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🍁”whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul...”
🍁🍁 An event I coordinated for work went really well this week😎
🍁🍁🍁 Sweatpants, book, Great British Baking Show
🍁🍁🍁🍁5 uncles

#friyayintro @howjessreads

Queenie | Candice Carty-Williams
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Woke up early today to go to the gym, only to discover that I somehow pulled a chest muscle overnight! Climbed back into bed and started this read.....and didn‘t want to put it down to get ready for work! Can‘t wait to come back and read more tonight.

emilyhaldi I'm reading this for book club next month! 🤗 5y
Hoopiefoot @emilyhaldi I hope you like it as much as I do 😀 5y
Aimeesue Queenie was SO good! ❤️ 5y
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