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Logan's Run
Logan's Run | William F. Nolan
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Logan's Run | William F. Nolan, George Clayton Johnson
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I‘ve been searching for this movie for years, only remembering one scene. After I got an idea from the series friends finally found it and realized it is based on a novel. Naturally I read the novel first, after that I have to admit that the movie is not as good anymore as I remembered it. I prefer the novel. #logansrun

SpaceCowboyBooks I think it's a trilogy 4y
MariaW @SpaceCowboyBooks Yes, it is. But there is only one movie. 4y
SpaceCowboyBooks They also made a TV show, but it was terrible 4y
MariaW @SpaceCowboyBooks It‘s funny, I did not dare to watch the series because of its bad reviews. 😂 4y
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Logan's Run | William F. Nolan, George Clayton Johnson
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This was quite an easy read. I was searching for the movie for years. I was very pleased when I found out that there is a novel as well, I finished before watching the movie again and I really liked it, but a map would have been nice to understand the topographic of their world because they jump a lot from one space to another. By the way I did not see the major plot twist coming. #logansrun

Logan's Run | William F. Nolan, George Clayton Johnson
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While Logan and Jessica are on the run, the chapters from the point of the sandman hunting them down are counting down as the day moves on? A spoiler intended by the author? 🤔🤔🤔 #logansrun #williamfnolan

Bookwomble A building of tension through foreshadowing? 🤔 4y
MariaW @Bookwomble Very obvious foreshadowing then, a more subtle way would have been nice. 🙈 4y
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Logan's Run | William F. Nolan, George Clayton Johnson
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This is a hard one to review as each of the three novels in this collection stands alone and I thought the third novel was weaker than its predecessors. What they had in common was action, the plot is fast paced and barely allows you to catch your breath. Another thing they had in common was the paper-thin characters. Couple that with gross 1960s and 1970s sexual stereotypes and it became somewhat off-putting at times. Overall, just OK.

SamAnne Have you ever seen the cheesy 70s movie with Michael York and Jenny Agutter? (edited) 4y
BestDogDad @SamAnne I did, but it was probably in the 70s and I don‘t remember it very well. I‘ll have to give it another watch. Do you remember the TV series? I liked that. Nolan walked away from it, he hated the concept. 4y
SamAnne @BestDogDad I haven‘t seen since the 80s a rerun on TV. I doubt it has aged well but would be a hoot to watch again. Didn‘t know there was a TV series! 4y
BestDogDad I think you‘re right. I might need to check out the movie again. I mean I‘ve got nothing but time these days. 🙁 4y
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Logan's Run | William F. Nolan, George Clayton Johnson
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My thumbs up must be taken with a grain of salt because I read this when I was 12 or 13. A dystopia wherein #crystaldays are numbered. Every citizen has a crystal flower imbedded in their palm which goes dark when they turn 21 and then must be euthanized. Logan is a “Sandman” , a hunter of those who try to escape their fate... until of course his own crystal goes black....

Cinfhen I only remember this title as a movie...I wonder how the book would read now 40 years after its first publication 6y
Cinfhen Also props to you...reading this book at such a young age...I was still reading Judy Blume and feeling grown up 😉😂 6y
Ruthiella @Cinfhen I wonder about that too! Will it hold up as a sci-fi classic. I think this was also one one of the first “grownup” book I read.🤓 (edited) 6y
TrishB Loved the series/film! 6y
Ruthiella @TrishB I think they are remaking the film! 6y
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