#currentlyreadning book 2 in the Arcana Chronicles and while I‘m enjoying it and the world Kresley Cole created I absolutely hate love triangles so I‘m having a bit of a hard time getting invested in some of the characters and their storylines🙄🙄
#currentlyreadning book 2 in the Arcana Chronicles and while I‘m enjoying it and the world Kresley Cole created I absolutely hate love triangles so I‘m having a bit of a hard time getting invested in some of the characters and their storylines🙄🙄
Can't decide if I'm Team Jack or Team Death.
The story picks up right after the first book ends introducing more characters while keeping the intrigue and excitement of what we know so far. This book builds on the foundation laid in Poison Princess, adding more mystery (and more excitement). 411junkie.com for full review.
Dove into rereading this one right after finishing Poison Princess on Tuesday in preparation for the release of #.05 Day Zero & #4 Arcana Rising on Aug. 1 & 15, respectively. Squee!