I enjoyed this very much as it was mysterious yet realistic, fast paced but detailed and I felt the characters were believable and flawed in a way that made them interesting. Not to reveal any spoilers but also a realistic yet satisfying ending.
I enjoyed this very much as it was mysterious yet realistic, fast paced but detailed and I felt the characters were believable and flawed in a way that made them interesting. Not to reveal any spoilers but also a realistic yet satisfying ending.
I think this was better than the first in the series, perhaps because there were fewer strands (there was a people trafficking subplot in no. 1), or because the main character seems to have settled into shape. I hope the female detective who was in the first one is brought back in a later book. Currently reading the third book and enjoying it so far.
The second book about the sea detective was even more enjoyable than the first one. Had a great twist at the end I didn't see coming.