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I wish I could say our meeting was happenstance. I wish I could say we took one look and we just knew. I wish I could say falling for him was the best thing that ever happened to me. But none of that would be true. Rhett Carson was as cold as the ice on which he skated. He was as calloused as the hands that shot the goals that won world titles. He was also damaged. And broken. And he didn't know it, but I knew all about him. I knew why he was so bitter and angry. I knew why he was so coldhearted. But I didn't know why I allowed myself fall in love with him, and I didn't know why I couldn't stop... even when he told me to. And that's when everything changed.
This book was not it for me. The hero was a total a$$hole and the heroine took his abuse. Then they fall in love? 🤨 It was just a far fetched storyline and didn't like it at all