This biography Susan B. Anthony by Dona Herweck is about her life and how she wouldn't give up fighting for women's right to vote. She was also the only woman to be on any U.S money. I would use this book as a RA. #UCFLAE3414F19
AleciaM ESOL for this book would be 15 Reinforce key ideas you present again and again. I would use this strategy because I will be tying this book to social studies. UDL is 3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge. https://www.woojr.com/susan-b-anthony-for-kids-worksheets-and-classroom-activiti... and http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/calendar-activities/susan-anth... 5y
DrSpalding Multiple resources in this post. Biographies are extremely important for our elementary age students and are required in social studies standards. Look at the English learner strategy list specifically at number 28. 5y
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