In a chamber high in a tower a young woman sits at a loom, weaving threads of many colours into a tapestry so large that it pools around her feet, half covering the chamber's marble floor. When her people first went to war, years ago now, she began to weave the story of their struggle against the enemy that threatened all the world. Everyone who has come to see the tapestry take shape has marvelled at the young woman's skill. When you gaze at the intricately woven threads they seem to move, bending and parting like stalks of grass in the wind, drawing you further into the tapestry and revealing more than you had thought was -there. -- The long work is almost finished. At one end of the tapestry rise the dark clouds, like billowing towers of shadow, whence the hosts of the enemy first marched, spreading fear and death across the land. From there the images sweep across the weave like a rushing tide of story, a story of blood and battle, of bravery and death, of hope lost and found again. And at the end of the tapestry the young woman is still working on, a city rises into the bright morning sky: a city of gleaming towers and crystal fountains set upon a mighty rock in the sea. It is the city where the young woman lives with her brother. While she is famed for her weaving, he is known far and wide for his wondrous craft at metalworking. In years past, he made beautiful cups and candlesticks for his people, but for a long time now he has forged only blades and armour. From his smithy at the base of the tower, the sound of his hammer rings out day and -night. -- They are there in the tapestry as well. She has woven her brother working in his smithy and herself in the tower room, where she can be seen paused for a moment from her work and gazing out the window across the waves to the dark wooded shore of the mainland, not yet touched by the light of morning. She has worked all through the night, but she will not finish the tapestry today. The story it tells ...
(less)In a chamber high in a tower a young woman sits at a loom, weaving threads of many colours into a tapestry so large that it pools around her feet, half covering the chamber's marble floor. When her people first went to war, years ago