Didn't like it...
Her “Silva Rerum“ quadrology was so much MUCH better!
Didn't like it...
Her “Silva Rerum“ quadrology was so much MUCH better!
332 p. A second part of a great story about a wife of Peter I, zsar of Russia.
A Lithuanian war prisoner that zsar fell in love with, and married, and later made his Empress. The only person who could influence Peter to be merciful and gracious. She tells her story on her deathbed...
#Sabaliauskaite #PetroImperatore #Peter #zsar #Russia #Lithuania #history #Empress
334 pages. Last day of imperatrice, she's on her death bed remembering her incredible story. Thrown through wars she managed to become a ruler of Russia. It is a realistic story of Cindirella in 18th century. However, the content towards the end started to become repetitive: sex and alcohol, which soon bored me quite a lot.
#sabaliauskaite #imperatrice #lithuanianauthor