Had this one off the shelf today. Amazing novel. There's a 71-page sentence fragment in courier in here—it's a dream—which I argue is the best English prose we've ever had (here: http://www.altx.com/sponsors/excerpt.html ). And that's counting Joyce when he's not being all cutesy. And the Nabokov of Pnin and Pale Fire. And the Lem of Solaris. Even the (sacrilege, sacrilege) Erdrich of Love Medicine. The BEE of whatever BEE you happen to be reading
CherylDeFranceschi It sounds like a kindred soul to my favorite book of all time, Darconville's Cat by Alexander Theroux. There is a chapter called The Misogynist's Library and many other wondrous writing tricks to uncover. It's best left unknown. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! 9y
brendanmleonard I must read this. 9y