I am the tree of life. https://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1829/Children-s-Literature.html This Sydney Taylor HF CL book is about both strengthening ourselves, calming our minds, and learning to appreciate the world around us. Written by rabbi and certified yoga instructor Mychal Copeland I Am the Tree of Life encourages us to
faithcella19 explore both yoga and finding the meaning of life. I think this book would be great for children of different culture and I invasions so many lesson plans about finding yourselves and we can even take this book outside for class and learn about how to do yoga and focusing our minds. UDL: 2.1 clarify vocab and symbols- clarifying the difficult vocab words and symbols of yoga. ESOL: 20 liaising important words.... yoga, vocab words Faith Cella #UCFL 4y
DrSpalding What a beautiful book. I am adding this to my stack. This looks like it should be considered realistic fiction due to the fact that it did not happen in the past. I like your idea of going outside to incorporate a yoga/calming lesson for your students. Social emotional learning is a hot topic in education and this could help them very much. You have some minor errors in your posts. 4y