Great to read another book about my favourite historical figure. This book was really interesting in it‘s interpretation of Grace and her life. It is the only source I‘ve come across that proposes and discusses the possibility of Grace being a spy for the English. (Continued in comments 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻)
i.z.booknook Also, whilst clearly revering her strength and accomplishments – which one cannot help but do – it also considers her complexity and takes a look at ground level implications of Grace‘s actions, her looting of neighbouring clans, her fickle ally-ship and general unreliability, this books appears to strip away the rose-tinted façade of the feminist icon and examines her at her complex, human level. 1y
quietlycuriouskate Stacking for my daughter, who has a tattoo of Grace on her arm! 1y
i.z.booknook @quietlycuriouskate wow I love that! What a good idea for a tattoo! 1y