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Want Me: A Sex Writer's Journey Into the Heart of Desire | Tracy Clark-Flory
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"In her bold memoir, a prominent sex journalist shares the confusing, funny, and sometimes painful moments that shaped her young adulthood, offering an honest look at sex and culture for modern young women"--
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This book was so promising from the beginning. Honestly this author broke my heart by wrapping the whole thing up by finding herself through the loss of her mother, marriage, and motherhood. She‘s lying to herself if she truly believes this has solved her decades-long disturbingly messed up view of sexuality.

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First, I‘m shocked no one else on Litsy has read this! The first half was good, exploring what it‘s like to be a young girl and trying to understand what men want. Interesting capture of the cultural issues girls face growing up. Then her mom dies and she gets married and has a baby and it just gets weird. I think she probably just needs to mature another decade so she finishes understanding what it means to be a woman.

tokyosydwicke This is spot on. The first half is very interesting and brings up some old memories I had honestly forgotten I guess I had buried them so deep. But then towards the end she gets married and has a baby and suddenly all her problems are solved. If the book is supposed to be an ode to a woman learning not to view herself through the male gaze… she sure remains stuck on the male gaze. Definitely she needs to keep growing up. 3y
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