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How to Brew
How to Brew: Everything you need to know to brew beer right the first time | John J. Palmer
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Everything needed to brew beer right the first time. Presented in a light-hearted style without frivolous interruptions, this authoritative text introduces brewing in a easy step-by-step review.
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⚡️Favorite Hobby: Home brewing beer
⚡️Favorite Drink: Coffee and Beer (after 5 o'clock)
⚡️Favorite Food: Pasta
⚡️Favorite color: All shades of blue
⚡️Favorite city: Traverse City Michigan
⚡️Dream house: Anything on a waterfront
⚡️Favorite accessory: Shoes!
⚡️Favorite TV show: Gilmore Girls and Parks and Rec
⚡️Last movie seen in theater: I have no idea 😳

Currently reading: Lonesome Dove, In the Country We Love, Polio

britt_brooke 🍻🍻🍻 7y
Lindy I used to love brewing beer, back in the 80s when it was hard to find anything interesting ready-made. 🍻 7y
prowlix @Lindy there's actually several craft brewery who work with home brew shops to help make clone kits of their beers! I just love craft beer people 7y
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Lindy @prowlix Belgian styles (all of them!) are my favourites, and I only drink 1 or 2 beers a week now, so it makes more sense for me to buy instead of make. It's a great hobby, however, and I met good people, just as you say. 7y
ValerieAndBooks Traverse City and the Old Mission Peninsula ?! When we used to live in Michigan, loved "going up north" there!! 7y
prowlix @ValerieAndBooks my parents live in SW Michigan and we have vacationed up there a few times. I keep wanting to go back and see how much it's changed! 7y
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#uniquefact - I have been homebrewing beer for 3 years now! Several years back I bought a complete homebrew kit for my dad for Father's Day. I ended up helping with several batches and then found out one of my friends has brewing for awhile. It only took a little convincing for me to start the hobby too! The John Palmer book is considered the starting place for any homewbrewer and I highly recommend it if you're interested 🍻

britt_brooke Nice! 🍻🍻 8y
TheSpinecrackersBookClub Awesome!! I've always been interested in trying this. 8y
BookishFeminist Homebrewing is fun! I hate bottling though. 😫😓 8y
prowlix @BookishFeminist yeah bottling is my least favorite part too! I keep debating on kegging but that's more space and harder to share 8y
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