No misfortune in the past, nothing which has happened to me in days gone by, which has been disagreeable or tragic, no enemies of my happiness or efficiency, shall be a guest in my spirit's sacred enclosure today. Only happy thoughts, joy thoughts, only the friends of my peace comfort, happiness, & success shall find entertainment in my soul this day. None of my enemies shall gain admittance to scrawl their hideous...(continued in comments)
idealityandme ...autographs on the walls of my mind. There shall be 'no admittance' today except to the friends of my best moods. I will tear down the black, sable pictures & hang pictures of joy, & gladness, of things which will encourage, cheer, & increase my power. Everything which ever handicapped my life, which has made me uncomfortable & unhappy, shall be expelled, at least for this day." So that when night comes I can say "I have lived today." 2y
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