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Zen and the Art of Starship Maintenance and Other Stories
Zen and the Art of Starship Maintenance and Other Stories | Tobias S. Buckell
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Zen and the Art of Starship Maintenance and Other Stories is Tobias S. Buckell's seventh short fiction collection and is comprised of 15 stories, several of which are original to the collection or were previously only available through his Patreon. This collection ranges from galactic adventures to intimate explorations of humanity—sometimes in the same story—rich with a sense of wonder and deft storytelling. This collection includes the following stories: Io, Robot A Jar of Goodwill Pale Blue Memories Zen and the Art of Starship Maintenance The Mighty Slinger Sunset Chi's Cargo Destination Day Blues The Galactic Tourist Industrial Complex Five Point Three Milligrams By the Warmth of Their Calculus DW The Very Last Curator of What Little Remains of the Western World A Girl and Her Rover The Longest Distance
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(2023) I first encountered Buckell through "Galactic Tourist Industrial Complex", his story for the New Suns anthology where Manhattan is an intergalactic tourist trap. That one is here with fourteen other hard-sf stories, including a couple of responses to Tom Godwin's "Cold Equations"; and several set in a world where Earth is colonized by hypercapitalist aliens. All are good and I want to read more Tobias Buckell

This is my #DoubleSpin for May

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swynn Hey, me too! I'm about halfway through and enjoying it. 1y
SpaceCowboyBooks @swynn I'm only a few stories in but it's great so far. I'll be hosting an online reading / interview with Tobias soon. 1y
swynn @SpaceCowboyBooks I'm in! Do you know yet when & a link? 1y
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swynn Registered. Thanks! 1y
SpaceCowboyBooks @swynn awesome, see you there! 1y
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