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Joined March 2018

Librarian - sf/fantasy addict - runner - germanophile - he/him or they/them
One Against a Wilderness | William L. Chester
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(1977) Originally serialized in Blue Book magazine in 1937, this is less a novel than a collection of 6 short adventures featuring Chester's Tarzan-ish character Kioga the Snow-Hawk in the lost world Nato'wa, a sort of Native American homeland above the Arctic circle. Like Tarzan, there's excellent adventure here but it's difficult to read uncritically today, with its language of "civilized" and "savage" and valorization of whiteness.

The Dead Letters | Tom Piccirilli
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(2006) It's a horror novel of the kind I call "magic psycho," where no supernatural element is obviously intended, but the monster is a psychopath for whom the usual laws of common sense and physics are relaxed without explanation, as if being crazy were a superpower. I dislike magic psycho books, so am not a reliable judge of whether this is a good one. YMMV.

This was a #ReadYourKindle book for July.

bthegood “magic psycho“ is a new genre term for me - I love it and the definition “usual laws of common sense/physics relaxed without explanation - crazy as a superpower'“ - I'm with you on this genre - I need magic or psycho not the combination 😂 2w
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Chamber | John Grisham
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(1994) Unpopular opinion, but it didn't work for me: too slow, too bloated, too many subplots that go nowhere. It's a legal drama following the legal maneuvers of an unpleasant old bigot and his lawyer grandson who represents him, as they await his execution for a terrorist bombing. It's an extended meditation on Southern history and on the death penalty.Grisham is against it. So am I and for similar reasons, but I just found the book exhausting

swynn Also: this was the bestselling book in the U.S. in 1994, and the final book in my Bestseller challenge, which has covered 100 years of American bestsellers, beginning with Ian McClaren's "Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush" (1895) and ending with "The Chamber." 3w
ChaoticMissAdventures Congratulations on your challenge!! I remember enjoying this when it came out, but I was also obsessed with Grisham in general and was maybe 16, so my ideas of a good book were quite different! 3w
Ruthiella Wow! Impressive. 👏👏👏 How long has it taken you to complete the challenge? 3w
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swynn @ChaoticMissAdventures Or you might still like it -- it may just be a mismatch of book, reader, and moment. 3w
swynn @Ruthiella Nearly ten years: I read "Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush" in January 2015 3w
bthegood @swynn Congrats on finishing the challenge!! 3w
swynn @bthegood Thanks! 2w
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Chamber | John Grisham
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The decision to bomb the office of the radical Jew lawyer was reached with relative ease.


Solar Lottery | Philip K. Dick
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(1955) in need of a job, Ted Benteley pledges his fealty to the Quizmaster, the most powerful man on the planet. Right afterward, he learns that his new employer is the *former* Quizmaster and his first task is deposing the new one. But that makes the plot sound straightforward when really it's a surreal mix of speculative civics, game theory, telepathy, body switching, drugs, and a lost philosopher in space. It's an exuberant mess, and I dug it.

Jari-chan This sounds like something I'd love to read 😁 3w
swynn @Jari-chan I certainly did. Maybe is not one of his better works -- certainly not one of his better known -- but it is a ride. 3w
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(1966) "Distress Calls From the Void"

The Terrans' work to establish a base in Andro-Beta is interrupted by a psychic cry of pain, so strong that it overwhelms the telepaths. It turns out the distress signals come from a planet in intergalactic space, whose surface is covered by a massive bioplasma under attack by robotic enemies. It's an interlude to the current story arc that revisits an old one ("The Posbis") and I'm here for it.

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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With the #readYourKindle picks, I can fill out my #BookSpinBingo card for July. Pretty sure I see my first bingo already.

Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fabulous!! 3w
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Untitled | Untitled
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Here's are my #readYourKindle picks for July.

Thanks @CBee !

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My #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin reads. Space opera serial, legal thriller bestseller ... July looks like frothy fun.

Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!!! 4w
Amor4Libros The Chamber is excellent! 3w
swynn @Amor4Libros I'm looking forward to it! 3w
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Untitled | Untitled
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And here's my #ReadYourKindle list for July: 20 roughly random picks from Unread Kindle Mountain

Thanks for hosting @CBee !

CBee If #6 is by Roxane Gay it‘s an excellent book! 4w
swynn @CBee It is! Now I hope it's one of the picks. 4w
CBee @swynn 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 4w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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And here's my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo list for July.

Good luck everybody! And thanks for hosting @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My reading month still wasn't as productive as Is have liked, but I decided I was going to get a dingdang #BookSpinBingo even if I only read 5 things in June.

Mission accomplished, and ready for July.


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Great month!!! 4w
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(1960) The 13th adventure in the "3 Investigators" series of juvenile mysteries has Jupiter, Pete, and Bob visit a carnival with a disturbing streak of bad luck, investigate a suspicious man obsessed with acquiring stuffed cats, and stumble across an unsolved bank robbery. It delivers pretty much what you want from a T3I mystery.

kwmg40 I love the Three Investigators mysteries. That cat on the cover! 😂 4w
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Prep For Doom | DelSheree Gladden, Kate L. Mary, Amy Bartelloni, Yvonne Ventresca, Cameo Renae, Hilary Thompson, Casey Hays, Monica Enderle Pierce, Harlow C. Fallon, ER Arroyo, Laura Albins, Brea Behn, Casey L. Bond, TK Carter, Kate Corcino, Kelsey D. Garmendia, Caroline A. Gill, John Gregory Hancock, Jon Messenger, Megan White
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(2015) Here's a collection of interconnected stories by indie authors, all set in the same mid-apocalyptic world where a genetically engineered plague rages. The stories are just fine, without any real standouts. But I love where it comes from: it's produced by "Band of Dystopia" an online community of writers and readers who seem lovely, and it seems to be a labor more of passion than commerce. For that I'll call it a pick


Naked to the Stars | Gordon R. Dickson
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(1961) Cal Truent is a soldier in Earth's interplanetary military service, when he is involved in a combat encounter that leaves him wounded and with no memory of what happened. Discharged from military service, he joins the Contact Service, charged with building peaceful relations with former enemies. It's an interesting response to Starship Troopers, but an over-earnest, unengaging one -- too bad, because I'm sympathetic to the message.

RamsFan1963 Its interesting the effect Starship Troopers had, and how some authors felt the need to address it, like here and Haldeman's The Forever War. I wonder if we should read Troopers for #ClassicLSFBC ? 4w
swynn @RamsFan1963 I think Ender's Game can also be read as a response to Starship Troopers. ST is definitely an influential book, and probably will show up at least on a ballot for #ClassicLSFBC eventually. My own feelings about it are complicated, but it's been fifteen or twenty years since I read it last, so a revisit could be enlightening 4w
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Humanas | Carolina Martnez Vzquez
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(2022) Sometime in the near future a plague kills all human males. Sometime later women have created new social structures more peaceful, just, and sustainable than before. Then without explanation a man appears on a London Street, lost and disoriented. It's an interesting premise but Vázquez spends so much of her limited space on relationship drama between the protagonist and her wife, that too many questions are left unanswered and even unasked

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Huh, this reminds me of a graphic novel series I‘m currently reading called 4w
swynn @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I've heard of that series but never read it so can't compare. By its reputation, I suspect the graphic novel would appeal more to me than this did. 4w
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm The graphic novel is really good so far. I need to read the third installment. 4w
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Body of Evidence | Patricia Cornwell
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(1991) Second in Cornwell's series featuring medical examiner Kay Scarpetta. The mystery is okay, but Kay's police partner is a homophobic bigot with a heart of gold, which I guess you could get away with in 1991 but is now just .... no. I understand the author herself came out in the 2000s, so I'm curious about her motivation for writing such a character as a hero, but not curious enough to read another.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm As someone with a brother that could be described as “a homophobic bigot with a heart of gold”, I can‘t say I understand her choosing that person as a hero, but I can understand how it could seem to her like she was writing a real person. I wonder if she was using the character to work through her own inner turmoil of how to view someone in her real life that held the same attitude? 1mo
swynn @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Good question. Maybe ... or maybe she's using the detective as a voice for Scarpetta to react to, expressing a more inclusive point of view. Or maybe she has a redemption arc in mind for the character. I'd be interested to know how the character changes (or doesn't) as the series progresses -- and presumably its audience's expectations change. 1mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm That would definitely be an interesting character arc if that‘s what she does. I‘ve never read this series, so I have no idea whether it‘s worth it to read more. 😅 1mo
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(1966) "The Sphere From Time and Space"

Last ep. ended with the destruction of the Masters' of the Island base on Siren, after which the MotI's forces, including all Twonosers, fled the Andro-Beta cluster for Andromeda. Now Perry regroups his teams to begin setting up a new Terran base on Gleam, where he is visited by the superintelligence IT (missing since ep. 151) and Harno the Living Television, and fights off an army of survivors from Siren.

Fear and Trembling | Robert Bloch
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(1989, selections originally published 1937-1989)

I very much like Bloch's horror and suspense stories, though some have ethnic and gender references that interrupt the experience. But several stories here are humorous, of the broad kind I associate with Robert Scheckley: full of puns, Dad jokes, and randomness. A little of that goes a long way for me, and this collection has too much.

But "Floral Tribute" and "Killing in the Market" are great.

Leftcoastzen Great cover! 2mo
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Fear and Trembling | Robert Bloch
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" ... the subtleties of the Perry Rhodan series ..."

You don't often find references in English to PR, but in 1976 Ace was publishing translations of the early episodes, and Robert Bloch makes a joke referencing them in "ETFF", a short story satirizing SF conventions. (The joke being that "subtleties" is a word that shouldn't co-sentence with "Perry Rhodan")

"I even read the first four pages of Dhalgren."

The #ClassicLSFBC group might relate.

Ruthiella The first four pages of Dhalgren! 😂😂😂 I got to about 100 and couldn‘t go on. 2mo
swynn @Ruthiella 100 pages beats me! I didn't participate in the Dhalgren reading because I knew I didn't have the time, but from others' comments I could appreciate the reference here. 2mo
RamsFan1963 @Ruthiella @swynn I finished Dhalgren, but I really wish I'd bailed, it gave me a headache. 2mo
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(1966) "Space-scout 008"
Terrans now know that the Moby activity in Andro-Beta is directed by signals from Siren, moon of the planet Gleam. But events of the last two episodes have exposed the Terrans' presence: Siren is now surrounded by a Twonoser fleet. To disable the base on Siren, Terrans hatch a plan involving Gucky, the parasprinters and superbombs. But the entire scheme is threatened when Twonosers hijack a space-jet and crew...

RamsFan1963 That's an amazing cover! 2mo
swynn @RamsFan1963 Isn't it great? The composition has such a compelling focus, the atmosphere is so mysterious and menacing, and the monster's eye just *glows*. It's a good one. 2mo
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With the #readyourkindle picks in, I can complete my #BookSpinBingo card for June. I can see my first bingo already ...

Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!! 2mo
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Artifact | Gregory Benford
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Thanks @Cbee for #readyourkindle picks! Here are my four for June.

CBee Looks great 😊 2mo
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(1966) "The Riddle of the Swamp Planet"

Captain Don Redhorse's task Force continues to search for the origin of an alien military signal on or near the swamp planet Gleam. They meet representatives of an indigenous group, who are at first excessively friendly and helpful -- but the Gleamors have their own agenda which does not benefit the Terran scouts. I'm not crazy about this one, as some motivations and actions seem random.

Naked to the Stars | Gordon R. Dickson
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Here are my #Bookpin and #DoubleSpin read for June: an old Gordon Dickson I don't know much about, and a newer Spanish novella set in a world where all men have died -- and then start coming back to a world that has moved on without them.

Thanks for hosting @TheAromaofBooks !

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 2mo
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Relics | Tim Lebbon
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And here's 20 random titles from my unread Kindle books for the June edition of #ReadYourKindle

I only finished one pick in May, and the next few days aren't likely to change that. Hoping to log at least 2 next month (and I kinda hope one of them is "Nunslinger")

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May continued my April reading slump thanks to work and life. I'm hopeful things will pick up a little in June.

#BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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(1966) The Terrans have fled the Andro-Beta star cluster to avoid increased attacks by Mobys, which are apparently sent by the mysterious and powerful Andromedan "Masters of the Island." From their new vantage point, the Terrans identify several signals that may be guiding the attacks, and Perry sends scout teams to investigate. One team tracks their signal to a monster-infested swamp planet and it wouldn't be Perry Rhodan if they didn't land...

Bookwomble You must have read my mind - I was wondering earlier today when you'd post your next Perry Rhodan summary 😊🚀 2mo
swynn @Bookwomble So glad others enjoy them! It's been a crazy last couple of months, and I hope to post them more regularly soon. 2mo
Bookwomble @swynn No pressure - they have become a part of my routine that I look forward to! I never bought these myself, but used to see them on the bookshelves as a kid, being put off by the high series count and a lack of investable funds 😄 2mo
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(1976) This is a sequel to "Don't Bite the Sun," set in a city where all needs are met by machines, and youth spend their days in sex, drugs, and parties. In this one our narrator is exiled from the city for reviving dueling. But outside the city she thrives, and the city cannot tolerate her success.

Mixed feelings: The writing is engaging and the characters interesting, but the binary city = oppression, rural life = freedom feels false to me.

Humanas | Carolina Martnez Vzquez
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Los hombres comenzaron a morir.

"The men began to die."


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Litsy doesn't have an entry for this one and I won't add one. It's clearly a product of generative AI. Which is fine: I got it for free and that's a fair price. I'm only posting this blurb because it's one of my #ReadYourKindle picks this month. But while I'm here I'm genuinely curious: I assume one puts one's crappy AI thing on Amazon to Make Money Fast, but how does one make a profit by pricing the thing at $0? Does anyone know how this works?

Suet624 Haha. Great question. 3mo
Ruthiella Maybe they are testing the waters regarding reviews/star ratings? 3mo
swynn @Suet624 @Ruthiella I should have checked Amazon again before I asked. It was free when I picked it up, but it's currently priced at $5.42. I assume the seller temporarily made it free to attract some downloads and reviews. Mystery solved. 3mo
Suet624 I think you‘re right. 3mo
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(2020) It's the old noir trope about the guy who got out of the life, now forced back in to do one more job. It's an old song, but Cosby knows how to play it fresh all over again. It's sordid, it's violent, it's ruminative, it's so very noir, and it is good.

CBee I just finished this and agree 100% with your review - Cosby is an automatic read for me 🙌🏻🙌🏻 1mo
swynn @CBee Yay for Cosby love! 1mo
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And here's my #BookSpinBingo card for May.

Thanks for hosting @TheAromaofBooks !

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!! 3mo
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Here are my #ReadYourKindle picks for May.

Thanks @CBee !

CBee You‘re welcome ☺️ 3mo
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(1966) "At the Brink of Hell"

Last episode's events attract a Twonoser fleet to the secret base on Arctis. But when the Twonosers fail to defeat the Terrans, their Andromedan overlords, the "Masters of the Island", send a space whale to destroy the entire system. I'm not sure what Doc Savage is doing on the cover, but the image seems to reference a subplot in which a Terran agent is blown into an overlapping universe at a different "energy level"

Bookwomble Ha, ha! I thought it was The Man of Bronze as I was scrolling down 😄 3mo
swynn @Bookwomble The Man of Bronze is clearly an inspiration here (to put it generously), but its audience may not have recognized it. The first German translations of Doc Savage didn't appear until 1966, according to the history here: https://www.herr-rau.de/wordpress/2004/07/doc-savage-in-german.htm 3mo
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The #BookSpin fates are kind this month: after a reading-slumpy April, they grant me two short, punchy genre works I'm almost guaranteed to finish.

I'll wait to post my card until after @CBee 's #ReadYourKindle picks come out this weekend

Thanks for hosting, @TheAromaofBooks

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And here's my #ReadYourKindle list for May, selected (mostly) randomly from my large and growing unread list

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Work blew up early in April, and isn't likely to settle down soon, so my April #BookSpinBingo card is embarrassingly bare and the forecast for May isn't much more promising. But dang me if I'll go Bingocardless for that flimsy reason.

#BookSpin #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks I feel you!!! And when things are super busy at work, I don't even feel like reading as much in the evenings when I'm home! 3mo
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(2015) Another read for April's #ReadYourKindle challenge. This one has been in my Kindle since 2015, when I picked it up for free (and with a different cover FWIW). It's not bad. Considering the stuff you get free on Kindle it's even quite good: a manic sorta-cyberpunk story about drugs, androids, kink, drugs, body switching, crime, and drugs. I probably won't continue the series-- it's a ride, but I think it's not mine.

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(1728) A sailor caught in a whirlwind is carried away to the world on the moon, which is inhabited by furries (well: "Brutes and half Brutes" that "walk'd upright and spoke"). The sailor learns the Moon language by eating a dictionary, then has several encounters that satirize 18th century society. It's an imitation of 1726's "Gulliver's Travels," and a mostly entertaining one, aside from some cringey misogyny of a type that isn't unusual for 1728

Texreader This sounds fun! 3mo
swynn It definitely was for me! 3mo
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(2013) One of my April #ReadYourKindle reads. The Enterprise is on a diplomatic mission when it receives a distress signal. When they respond, Kirk and crew discover a bunch of starships suspended in "folded space" -- and of course they must investigate, immediately and personally and with risk-maximizing strategies. Because TOS, I guess. It's fine, but also nothing special.

RamsFan1963 I like the cover 3mo
swynn It's striking, isn't it? I can't find a credit in the book, but ISFDB credits Doug Drexler (who has a long history with Star Trek in various roles from makeup artist to CGI designer) along with Ali Ries. Decker and Ries have collaborated on covers for nine ST novels. This was their first (according to ISFDB) 3mo
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To satisfy a violent Inclination which I always had to see foreign Countries, and being incapacitated by my Circumstances to travel barely for the improvement of my Mind, I thought it most advisable to turn Sailor; and in Pursuance to my Design, I bound my self to one James Anderson, Master of the Runner, a Vessel of about 75 Tun (tho' the Custom-House had it but 70) belonging to Dublin, in the year 1718.


Dilara A 1728 space-travel book 😍 3mo
Suet624 That‘s quite a line! 3mo
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Magic Breaks | Ilona Andrews
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(2014) Seventh in the "Kate Daniels" urban fantasy series. This one brings together multiple threads and characters from the beginning of the series. I was a little impatient with the last one, but this one delivers the action, characters, and humor I like about the series.

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(1966) "World Under Hot Radiation"

The Terrans establish a base beneath the surface of the ice planet Arctis. The system has only one other planet: Destroy, a radioactive hellscape leveled by some planet-wide nuclear apocalypse hundreds of years ago. It appears lifeless, but Perry has an uneasy feeling so after settling into Arctis he leads a recon team to Destroy -- where they meet an old adversary and patch a plot hole.

Way Station | Clifford D. Simak
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(1963) Joining the #ClassicLSFBC this month, and I'm glad I did. I remember trying to read Way Station in my early teens and running out of interest early. And though I still see why -- there's little of the peril and rapid pacing that defined a good read for me then -- man, was I wrong about this. It's thoughtful and humane and just lovely, a sort of proto-cozy sf, and I wonder what else I've missed from Simak.

Bookwomble Great review. I utterly agree 😁 3mo
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(1966) "Convoy into the Unknown"

The Terrans in the Andro-Beta star cluster regroup after events of the last few episodes. As Perry and the CREST were off adventuring, the crew of the Troja station scouted a potential base of operations. Next step is to move in without attracting notice -- but notice is attracted and space battles are fought. This one is exposition-heavy and serves mostly to recap the story thus far and set up future adventures.

Untitled | Unknown
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Here are my #ReadYourKindle picks for April.

Thanks @cbee !

CBee Looks great!! 4mo
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I love this moment of the #BookSpinBingo month when a blackout seems possible. All I have to do is read about a book a day, and I've read a book in a day before .... Reality will settle in another week or so, but it's looking like a tremendously fun and enlightening month right now.

Excuse me but I have a day to read a book in.

Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !

Thanks @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fantastic!!! 4mo
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An Untouched House | Willem Frederik Hermans
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My #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin for April are an unlikely pair: in the one hand a literary novella about desperate lives in wartime, translated from Dutch; on the other, urban fantasy featuring demigods and shapeshifters and vampires and who knows what all else.

Looking forward to both of course. Thanks @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! I read books 4 and 5 in the Kate Daniels series this month, so I may get to 6 and 7 in April haha 4mo
swynn @TheAromaofBooks It's such a fun series. Hope you like them, whenever you get to them! 4mo
TheAromaofBooks I was a little iffy on the first book, but I've just enjoyed them more and more as I go along!! 4mo
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And here's my #Bookspinbingo list for April.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
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