How to Rise Low Blood Pressure in 15 Minutes: Symptoms & Signs of Low Blood Pressure, Treatment & Cure Solution, Causes of Low Blood Pressure, Chart, Range & Reasons, Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy Book | Stuart Steflar
There are many more things to be said about blood pressure in general and also about low blood pressure, but those are more complex problems and more details are to be found in medicine books and other specialty publications. We will further underline again what we thought it would be more useful and important for non-medical readers. Which are the risks and complications of low blood pressure? Anyone can suffer from hypotension at a certain time of their lives. There are many different types of low blood pressure and they depend on factors like age and health status. Decreased blood pressure values are usually found on patience above 65 years. Postural hypotension occurs when standing up, while post-prandial hypotension appears after eating because the blood is directed to the digestive system. Young adults and children most often suffer from neutrally mediated hypotension, which is cause by bad signals to and from the Central Nervous System. Some types of medication can also cause low blood pressure because of their effect in the blood flow and on the blood vessels. There are also some illnesses that lead to low blood pressure such as heart problems, diabetes or Parkinsons Disease. More severe blood pressure drops are caused by septicemia that is severe infection, massive bleeding or allergic shock. What You'll Get Inside: What causes low blood pressure? Signs and Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure Low Blood Pressure Treatment Low Blood Pressure Range and Chart Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy Take a Sneak Peak Inside (page 13): "Low Blood Pressure Treatment If the low blood pressure doesnt lead to discomfort or specific signs and symptoms, there is no need for a medical or any other kind of treatment. But, if there are discomforts or other effect of the abnormal blood pressure, seeing a doctor is the best option and most probably a cure will be found. The administrated treatment depends a lot on which is the initial cause of the dropped pressure. The cure has the purpose to eradicate the initial illness, like the heart problems, the dehydration or the hypoglycemia, and not just the low blood pressure. Sometimes, the problems are caused by some drugs and medication. If this is the case, the easiest way to overcome the problem is to change treatment or decrease the dose of the given medication (if no alternative is available to the initial illness). There are situations when the cause of the low blood pressure cannot be determined. When this happens, all one can do is to use home remedies and life style measure in order to increase the dropped blood pressure. This will probably eliminate the discomfort caused by the symptoms. In many cases just these measures can improve the situation and make the life better. Depending on what type of hypotension one has, on the age and the health status, here are some useful methods to decrease blood pressure: Eat more salt. It is a known fact that people with hypertension should reduce the salt income, because salt strongly affects the blood pressure by increasing it. On the other hand, when the low blood pressure is a problem, spicing up the food a little could really turn out to be useful. Sodium is an important substance for our bodies and any change in the regular income can have powerful effects on our health. So, before deciding to add more salt to your food, ask the doctor about whether this is a good or bad idea and only after that proceed to these changes. If salt is not your favorite ingredient, you can trick the taste by using soy sauce or other salty dressings to your food.... "
(less)There are many more things to be said about blood pressure in general and also about low blood pressure, but those are more complex problems and more details are to be found in medicine books and other specialty publications. We will