Another book featuring on the upcoming BBC series of Between The Covers. Set in India, Adi is 12 and wants to find out why his mother keeps disappearing. Assisted by a talking vulture he learns about her past, from the time of Partition onwards, as well as facing up to his own fears.
It took a few chapters for this to have any impact, but then it really did and I loved it.
CW re the treatment of women and girls, in the worst possible ways.
rockpools I don‘t think I‘ve ever met a book that hasn‘t been improved by the addition of a talking bird, so stacked! Also, have you read Tomb of Sand? Similar themes, although I‘m sure that‘s all - a mother‘s partition history, and talking crows (amongst other stuff). Loved that one! 1y
Tomb of Sand
squirrelbrain That sounds good too @rockpools - stacked. 1y