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Her Greatest Mistake Special Edition
Her Greatest Mistake Special Edition | Hannah Cowan
6 posts
I'm the face of the NHL. The golden boy with quick hands and a million-dollar smile the fans adore. My contract is up at the end of the season, and with playoffs starting, I have to be on my best behaviour. Keep my head down and respect the press when they shove their microphones beneath my nose. This isn't my first rodeo, so it should be easy. Right? No. Not this time. One terrible call and I'm the poster boy for bad decisions. I haven't seen my childhood best friend since the day her father betrayed me and she broke my heart. Now, eight years later, she's back. And she's my fake girlfriend for the next two months. Some wounds never heal, and the moment I see Braxton Heights, I know mine have not. But she's the only shot I have at saving my reputation and securing my new deal, and while I might have lost her all those years ago, I refuse to lose hockey. I just hope I'm strong enough not to fall for her all over again in the process. ------ (A Swift Hat-Trick trilogy second generation series)
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“I‘ve learned that not every hero deserves his happily ever after. Sometimes, the hero is just a villain in disguise.”

-Braxton, Chapter 41, Page 306


“My greatest mistake in life is letting you run from me, and I would give up my career in a heartbeat if it meant that I don‘t ever have to lose you again.”

-Maddox, Chapter 39, Page 291


“I‘ve waited my entire life to have you like this, and I would wait another lifetime, regardless of what you decided to do. Just because you didn‘t wait doesn‘t mean you love me any less that I love you. It just means I hurt you as seed as you hurt me. I don‘t blame you for moving on. But what we did and didn‘t do doesn‘t matter now. What matters is that I‘m the last one to have you like this.”

-Maddox, Chapter 30, Page 222



“It‘s all what-ifs. I have to remind myself of that. We can‘t go back. There‘s only now and what we do next.”

-Maddox, Chapter 26, Page 195


“I startle at how easy it is for my father to throw me under the bus. Like I‘m an easy casualty. Yet, it doesn‘t hurt as much as I thought. Maybe because he‘s already done enough damage to our relationship. Maybe when it comes to my love for him, I don‘t have anything left for him to break.”

-Braxton, Chapter 25, Page 188

this hit different, as i also don‘t have the strongest relationship with my dad


“Somehow, people always seem to find their way back to where they‘re supposed to be.”

-Braxton, Chapter 8, Page 61