⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A recommendation from my trusted librarian friend and fellow #NashvilleLitten. PJ‘s dad passes, prompting a return to her tiny hometown. Realizing she not quite ready to return to university, she hastily grabs a job at local institution, the Chickie Shak. As a KY native, and long-time TN resident, the Southern-isms and slang had me literally laughing out loud. Funny and heartwarming story of losing and finding; of friendship and love.
ferskner I'm so happy you liked it! It's one of my best surprises of the year. 1mo
britt_brooke @ferskner It made me laugh so much, exactly for the reasons you said on your podcast. It was well-intended southern slang. I know a couple of people that talk like that. Legit. They are the most adorable people, too. It‘s sweet in a way. 1mo
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