Visibility Today: Experts share tips to help you be seen, heard, and SHINE! | Mike O'Connor, Rebecca Hall Gruyter, Deborah Wiener, Mary Struzinsky, Maureen Ryan Blake
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Thank you for leaning into this powerful anthology! We are honored and excited to bring this powerful book featuring visibility experts who are committed to helping you be seen, be heard, and SHINE as you embrace Visibility Today! We want to support you in tapping into the wisdom we have discovered and believe will empower and support you on your journey.
Our vision is to have our experts share insights, tips and tools we have discovered to support and empower you on your journey. We know that life is not a solo journey, and by coming together, our goal is to help you step further and more powerfully into your gifts, talents and abilities. Together, as we lift each other up, we are all able to grow, reach more people, and have a greater impact than we do trying to do everything on our own.
In each chapter, our authors will equip and empower you to step forward more fully. We believe this book is a living and interactive book that will speak wisdom, encouragement and power into your life. We want to invite you to pause, take a deep breath, and be ready to receive these powerful chapters so they can ignite a fire in you, inspire courage in you, and focus you on stepping fully into bringing forward the gift of who you are and all that you are called to be. Enjoy the inspirational quotes woven throughout the book to inspire, encourage and uplift you on your journey.
Here is how to get the most out of this powerful book. The book is divided into three sections, each designed to meet you exactly where you are and to support you in each step of your journey. In the first section, Visibility Today, you’ll discover more about how visibility works in today’s market. In the second section, Be Visible, our experts share how to be visible. In the third section, Grow Your Visibility, we share how to grow and expand your visibility to increase your impact and reach more people.