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Breath of Iron
Breath of Iron: A Novel of the Clockwork Agents | Kate Cross
2 posts | 2 read | 6 to read
Sworn to protect England from all enemies, the Wardens of the Realm are ever vigilant. But not all battles are fought on a battlefield…sometimes they are fought in the heart. As chief surgeon for the Wardens, Evelyn Stone fears her own life is on the line when she is kidnapped by a band of pirates—only to discover that the airship captain is Gavin “Mac” MacRae—her former lover. The man whose life she once saved. The man she abandoned. Since Evelyn left, Mac made his mark as both a pirate and a pilot. But his true allegiance isn’t known. So when he asks Evie for help with a wounded woman onboard, he tells Evie that the woman is his wife—even if his feelings for Evie have never waned… As the days pass, however, the unease between Evie and Mac gives way to the old comfort they used to have. Yet, their newly ignited romance is complicated by conflicting loyalties and desires, and a betrayal that may cost them both their love and their lives.
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I could sure go for some pie right now. #litsylaughs

Bookworm54 Based on that sentence I'm worried about not only the contents of the pie, but what he plans to do to Mac... 😳 8y
BkClubCare Is that the first line of the book?! 8y
AliceInWonderLibrary @Bookworm54 It turned out to be apple pie of the non-lethal variety. 8y
AliceInWonderLibrary @BkClubCare No, but that would definitely draw me in! 8y
Bookworm54 Why is he being nice? Suspicious... 8y
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😅 #litsylaughs

athorne 😹😹😹 8y
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