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The Life I Left Behind
The Life I Left Behind | Colette McBeth
4 posts | 5 read | 5 to read
Six years ago, Melody Pieterson was attacked and left for dead. Only a chance encounter with a dog walker saved her life. Melody's neighbor and close friend David Alden was found guilty of the crime and imprisoned, and the attack and David's betrayal of her friendship left Melody a different person. She no longer trusts her own judgment, she no longer trusts her friends. In fact, she no longer really has any friends. She's built a life behind walls and gates and security codes; she's cloistered herself away from the world almost entirely. And then, soon after David is released from prison, Eve Elliot is murdered in an attack almost identical to Melody's. With the start of a new police investigation, Melody is suddenly pulled from her ordered, secluded life and back into the messy world around her. But as she learns more about Eve's murder, Melody starts to wonder if perhaps David hadn't betrayed her after all...if perhaps the killer is someone else entirely, someone who's still out there, preparing to strike again. Narrated alternately by Melody and by Eve's lingering ghost, The Life I Left Behind is a taut thriller and an intimate look at two young women bound together in ways neither of them could ever have predicted. Colette McBeth has proven once again that she is a master of suspense.
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The Life I Left Behind | Colette McBeth

I really enjoyed this book. I‘m a huge fan of mystery/thriller and I didn‘t want to put this down. Really liked the ending. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Life I Left Behind | Colette McBeth
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Happy Saturday! *my obligatory Saturday post. The calm before the storm...aka me time before heading into work a double. 🤯) Have an awesome day #littens! 😘

The Life I Left Behind | Colette McBeth
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Just got back from the library. 3 more to add to the pile with the other 4 I‘m reading. 🤓📚🤩