This is a fast paced story told in two perspectives. It deals with grief and is told beautifully
This is a fast paced story told in two perspectives. It deals with grief and is told beautifully
I'm going to try my best and post all the books i read here in Litsy. It's an amazing community and I just be here more!
First audiobook of the year is this wonderful book. I love the connections of people and just the story is nice 😁
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I thought this book was a good exploration on grief told from a teen perspective. The story moved pretty quickly and is told from alternating views - a girl who lost her father recently and another who‘s baby will be adopted by the first girl‘s mother. It wrapped up a little too nicely for me, but I‘m not used to reading YA so that might be expected. I did enjoy the read. This was a #myTBR recommendation. #getTBR
I don't even remember why I got this book. It's pretty different from what I normally gravitate towards, but I ended up really enjoying it. #bookstagram #ilovebooks #booklover
Really liked this book. Zarr is great at writing teens who seem real--they might make bad decisions and sometimes handle their emotions badly, jus like real kids!
It's been a few years since I read this one, but I liked it a lot and highly recommend it! #death #junebookbugs
"Whatever is the utmost in awesomeness, whatever is profoundly good, whatever is right and true, is rock."
#phoisrock #sarazarr #rockpaperscissorsoflife #loveisrock #booksthatmovein