Dalek Empire 3.3: The Survivors was my December pick for #12BooksOf2024. It was a really good listen and has me racing through this story arc a little faster than I normally read audiobooks!
Dalek Empire 3.3: The Survivors was my December pick for #12BooksOf2024. It was a really good listen and has me racing through this story arc a little faster than I normally read audiobooks!
This was such a good installment of Dalek Empire! David Tennant does an excellent job as Galanar, and the dramatic cliffhangers continue to pile up. I refreshed my memory of earlier Dalek Empire arcs, and this is building on the story really well.
This installment features David Tennant in a pre-Doctor role, adding a little bit of extra fun to what are very grave proceedings indeed. The stinger line at the very end was perfect, and overall I liked the pacing and was intrigued by what the Daleks are up to. Looking forward to reading on!
Another volume of Dalek Empire begins, this time on the wildlife sanctuary planet of Graxis Major. The commander is a Judi Dench-like character who suffers no fools and takes the mysterious deaths of her crew personally. The Daleks seem to be on the prowl...but they say they're helping end the plague? Hmmm.
(Also of note: David Tennant is in this volume of Dalek Empire. I grinned like a fool when he started speaking :D)
I‘d intended to review each story in this set separately, but they all work seamlessly as four parts of a whole. It‘s basically Spearhead from Space for the 21st century, minus the Doctor. This makes it sound derivative, but it‘s a good listen. The story moves at a breakneck pace and there‘s lots of action. Tense dialogue but not too shouty, and hey, there's Osgood! The ending was quite interesting; it could make a neat sequel.
🎧 The 1st Doctor, the 4th of the 4 Companion stories I bought on sale last week! Steven & Dodo.
1812, Russia, Napoleon, shape shifting aliens.
It‘s not often that I‘ve seen the Doctor stop to live, get a job etc. so that was interesting!!
Good fun! I enjoyed this story!
🎧 The 3rd Companion Chronicles story that I listened to. I love Frazer Hines‘ narration. Big Finish Productions, YESSS!
A murder.
A treasure!
The 2nd Doctor!
Such a fun addition to this 4 story collection!!
🎧 I LOVE THE BRIG! I went & bought a 4-story Big Finish Companion bundle just to hear him tell a story. If you‘re a fan of Brigadier Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, you should give this a listen. I love these audio stories!
🎧 I love these Big Finish side trips!! This is series IV, The Fearless!
Mickey, Rose‘s sometimes boyfriend during Christopher Eccleston‘s turn at Doctor Who, plays our lead but not as Mickey. He‘s lost the love of his life & doesn‘t want to go on & when he‘s forced to … VENGEANCE!
Fast, fun, short & one of the evilest villains out there! The story has started … what are the Daleks up to?!