Keeping the #CDaudiobook of "This Is How You Lose Her" in the car exclusively for the #audiocommute worked so well, I'm doing it again. This time it's part of my #Pulitzer #SeptemberTBR challenge (Non-Fiction finalist, 1995).
Keeping the #CDaudiobook of "This Is How You Lose Her" in the car exclusively for the #audiocommute worked so well, I'm doing it again. This time it's part of my #Pulitzer #SeptemberTBR challenge (Non-Fiction finalist, 1995).
Even though I'm still working on The Road, I hit the library on the way home yesterday because the #CDaudiobook of another book on my #LatinxAuthors #SeptemberTBR list was there, and I figured I could probably knock it out this week just keeping it in my car for the #audiocommute, which has the double advantage of not giving me the chance to keep forgetting it at home long past the due date!