4 ⭐ Typical of Jayme and Laura this book is perfect. It rhymes well, the illustrations are great. It has a cadence. It just works from beginning to end. They have written many books together and all of them are classic.
4 ⭐ Typical of Jayme and Laura this book is perfect. It rhymes well, the illustrations are great. It has a cadence. It just works from beginning to end. They have written many books together and all of them are classic.
4 ⭐ When reading this book out loud, you can tell it was written by a singer. The book follows the same ups and downs one normally finds in a song which makes this book work well. The idea is why not you if other people can do it? Why can‘t you do it too? This book is telling you that you can do it, you just have to try. I like everything about this book.
3 ⭐ First this book is too long. And there are so many ideas in here that it seems like a mishmash. There‘s the idea of being afraid, the idea of feeling left out, the idea of not fitting in. Towards the end the minotaur says they learned that black is just where all the colors meet seems to come from nowhere and belong to a different book. It‘s just altogether weird. I like the illustrations.
4 ⭐ . This book was lovely. It rhymes; it has a nice cadence. It keeps things simple. It just works on every level. The illustrations are what they need to be and show diversity so this book can be used in many places. Overall, I really like this book, and I would use it for story time repeatedly. As for a celebrity author, I think she had help.
2.5 ⭐This is a story from a father to his daughter. The only reason it‘s been published is because the father is an NFL linebacker. Illustrations are OK but feel very amateurish. Overall, this is a story not many will buy and not found in many libraries and there is a reason for it.
4 ⭐ It should surprise no one that Dolly Parton can write an amazing children‘s book. This book is about a dog wanting to make music and finding their way in Nashville. But some other dogs are bullies and it‘s up to Billy to help save the dayIt was written by Dolly and you can tell. She is amazing and so is everything she puts her hands on.
4 ⭐ The Corduroy books were in good hands with Viola Davis. You can tell a little difference between the original creator and Viola Davis, but she gets to the heart of this beloved character. Altogether the book works the illustrations are fantastic and it‘s all very nostalgic. The story is a little long for my taste, but it mixes in with the Corduroy of old.
4.5 ⭐ My own little Desi and I had lots of fun with this. Between reading and talking about the characters and blowing the bad thoughts away this book just works. And even better for a celebrity picture book this sounds like Eva Mendez and sounds like a book kids would want to read more than once.
4 ⭐ This was a lovely book. It gets my three-year-old nieces‘ approval. The story is a little bit long, but a good storyteller could find the right places to shorten it as they‘re reading it. The message is great. The illustrations are fun and altogether this just works. And it even sounds like Perez Hilton.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐5 ⭐
This picture book is about standing up for others and wanting to change the world. How when you can‘t use your voice find other ways to do it until you can find your voice. This book is well written the illustrations are amazing and this is an altogether five star read. I will be picking up other books by Stacy Abrams .