Well, this was an interesting book to read this past week. It is outdated, though, this edition having been published in 2019. Despite that, some interesting big picture points to consider heading into the future.
Well, this was an interesting book to read this past week. It is outdated, though, this edition having been published in 2019. Despite that, some interesting big picture points to consider heading into the future.
Argh! I bought this book ages ago, so I definitely don‘t have the receipt any more to return it. From page 5-36 it is all like this! 😱
I saved this as a book I wanted to read back in 2018. Never got to it. But as I was reviewing my Goodreads history this book and its title gave me the chills. The U.S. has been invaded by Putin and most people don‘t realize it yet.
The new issues have to do with how intelligence uses information, or, more accurately, how intelligence and other fact-based analysis will fare in a world in which even a sophisticated society like our own is trending toward decision making anchored on a priori, near-instinctive narratives—decision making based on that which can be made popular or widely held rather than on that which is objectively true.
This book goes in depth on Putin: his history, how he sees the world, his behavior. It is almost 10 years old so is a little dated, but remains an excellent exploration of a consequential man. It‘s dense but not in a bad way. I learned a lot.
The author looks at various countries around the world and shows how their geography helps or hinders them in their attempts to expand, develop, or defend themselves. Fascinating and a welcome aid to understanding the stories behind the news.