It‘s taken me months to finish this short book. hooks‘ writing can be dense & takes some thought. These are essays about race, finding her home & place in the world, & memories of her family. I really liked the ones about quilt making & what that meant to the elders. She also writes about my favorite author, Wendell Berry, & includes a convo they had about how racism and the environment connect & his book, The Hidden Wound. Made me wish I could 👇
I think the thing that is most interesting but also most upsetting about this book is that it was written in 1995 but is still so relevant. Obviously hooks is brilliant, but it means that the state of discourse around art, race, and gender has really not progressed much in the past 30 years.
FINALLY doing a bit of pleasure reading. Everything I‘ve been reading lately has been for research purposes. Gosh, I‘ve missed you guys! 🤗❤️📚📖
So sad to hear of her death. Her life and writing an inspiration. #bellhooks
Thank you bell hooks - born Gloria Jean Watkins - thank you for everything you‘ve given us! Your life‘s work, your body of writing- all of it rooted in Love. 🙏🏾💗
bell hooks (1952 - 2021)
I can‘t talk about this right now. 💔
bell hooks (September 25,1952 - December 15, 2021)
#GloriaJeanWatkins #bellhooks