“Diagnosing danger had become a craft like defusing live bombs—\u000one tremble of the voice, one error in judgement, and the world would explode.” (131) #san_32
“Diagnosing danger had become a craft like defusing live bombs—\u000one tremble of the voice, one error in judgement, and the world would explode.” (131) #san_32
"In any case, the time is long past that he know his heritage.." (pg 11) #San_32
"Hey looky there!
Across the street!
Theres a car made just for me,
To own that car's fine lookin man,
Thats somethin else." #San_32
"What direction should your thoughts take, when daydreams could lead you into so much trouble?" #san_32
“...he takes pills so strong you stand by the bed and yell into his ear and he wouldn‘t wake up”(7). #san_32
I LOVE reading about the Holocaust! This book is about Jews hiding in a Zoo and the different stories of Jews based on their diaries! #San_32
I got this book because it seems like an interesting book because it's about these high school students telling there stories and their words through poetry. #san_32 @MarinaSantos
The teacher made me pick out a book and I picked this one because it's a love story 😂#san_32 @MarinaSantos