Starting this beauty tonight along with some caramel hot cocoa! #theaddictedbibliophile @bibliophaddict @SJMaas
Starting this beauty tonight along with some caramel hot cocoa! #theaddictedbibliophile @bibliophaddict @SJMaas
I love this book! This is the second time I have read this series and still love every bit of it. If you love stories of fae, romance, adventure then you will love this book! @bibliophaddict #theaddictedbibliophile #ashismy💗 @theaddictedbibliophile
Love this book. It's an autobiography about one of my favorite actresses, and it made it that much more awesome to listen to it in her voice while I read the book. #theaddictedbibliophile #annakendrick @bibliophaddict @theaddictedbibliophile #gizmothecatphotobombing🐱